You only know it, if you are living it.
I attended a seminar about wealth creation, and the speaker T. Harv Eker said that - “You only know it if you are living it.”
He meant it in the context of ‘Don’t take wealth creation advice from someone who isn’t rich!’ but I also think it applies to all other areas of life too, including health.
- I’ve met weight loss coaches who are fat
- I’ve met people who are broke, telling you how to make money
- I’ve met fat unhealthy doctors who smoke
- I’ve met people who help others quit addictions…who still drink
- I’ve met personal trainers who aren’t very fit
- I’ve met people teaching ‘how to make millions online’ who haven’t made millions online
- I’ve met people teaching property investing who don’t own a large portfolio of investment properties
- I’ve met people teaching relationship skills who are not in a blissful loving relationship
- I’ve met people who teach marriage success who have been divorced 2 or 3 times
- I’ve met nutritional therapists who teach weight loss and good health, who are fat and in poor health
- I’ve met healers who need healing
- I’ve met therapists who need therapy
I am sick and tired of this bullshit. Is it just me? Read more