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There is no such thing as superfood promotes eating REAL fresh organic food, not so-called superfood. Don’t get caught out by the marketing talk that is selling you diet industry supplements just because they call them superfoods!

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Combat cancer naturally with MotherNaturesDiet

The 12 Core Principles of MotherNaturesDiet helps you to eliminate from your diet those unhealthy foods that some researchers claim are contributing to cancer.

Check the ‘Core Principles’ page to remind yourself of the 12 Core Principles and how to eliminate these undesirable foods from your diet.

Love, Sex and Monogamy in Paleolithic Times and Today

This might be straying a little off topic for this blog, so I offer a link for those interested. I am deeply interested in all aspects of evolution and anthropology, including those aspects that go beyond health and nutrition.

I have been reading ‘Paleofantasy’ by Marlene Zuk. In the book, she discusses what she terms “paleofantasy love” and she quotes Sarah B. Hrdy and the ‘sex contract’ hypothesis.

Meat for sexual fidelity: the sex contract hypothesis

Hrdy and others suggest that our ancient ancestors traded ‘meat for fidelity’, and this forms the core of the ’sex contract’ hypothesis. Note: to be fair to Ms Hrdy, I have NOT read her original work, and I am basing any judgements in this blog on the quotes in Marlene Zuk’s Paleofantasy. The notion goes, that as our large brains grew, caveman became smart enough to realise that his best chances of producing offspring that reach adulthood was to provide for his woman while she nurtured the babies, so he hunted the meat, while cave woman sat at home tending the babies, and she gave him sexual fidelity in return for him bringing home food for his kin.

In my uneducated opinion, this is wrong.

To read more about how I see love, sex and pair bonding in the paleolithic period, click through to my other blog site and have a read. Feel free to let me know what you think. Thanks.


Healthy living for an attractive and desirable body

Good health, clean eating and regular exercise will help sculpt a fit, strong, desirable body.

A healthy body and a happy person with lots of energy is an attractive partner, whether single of dating or married.

Exercise of the Week: Rolling Push-Ups.

At I just love doing push-ups in all the various ways possible.

This is an awesome variant and well worth trying if you are a regular with push-ups. Not one for beginners!

Workout of the Week - Sprint Sets

This is a great all-round body conditioning workout, try this out and let me know how it feels.

I shall be out at 6am tomorrow morning hitting this workout, it’s a great way to start a Sunday!

Western lifestyles lead to cancer

“More widespread adoption of lifestyles similar to those in developed countries will lead to a rapidly growing number of patients with cancer”

I was reading an article on the BBC website, again linking Western lifestyles to cancer.

You can read the article here:

The notable quotes that stood out in my mind were:

“…as the economies of these countries grow, and standards of living increase, people are increasingly adopting the habits of more developed countries. They are living more sedentary lifestyles, eating more unhealthily, smoking more and drinking more alcohol. Sun exposure and indoor pollution from burning solid fuels are also risk factors.”

What frustrates me, is that we in the wealthy world seem to accept these factors as causes of cancer, but then we keep exposing ourselves!




My honest opinion of Paleo Cookbooks

I have recently stated a few times that MotherNaturesDiet is not strictly a paleo diet, but it has evolved from my learnings and following the main principles of paleo. I think a paleo diet as laid out by ‘the masters’ such as Robb Wolf, Loren Cordain, Mark Sisson and others, is fantastic, but I think many followers in the paleo community have taken the paleo theme and then run with it to a point that they have strayed far from the original ideas.

I will write more on this topic, in much more depth, in a future post. For today, I just wanted to briefly cover a sub-set of this, a subject that gets my back up, the idea of publishing paleo cookbooks promoting hundreds of paleo recipes - and the misnomer of a ‘Paleo Desert Cookbook’ - like they ate desert in the paleolithic period! I have blogged briefly on this topic before, check this post for that.

So this short video just covers the latest ‘Paleo Desert Cookbook’ that I saw advertised. Sorry about the sound quality on this clip, it’s not so good.



Reaction to PaleoFantasy Book #2

I am still reading Paleofantasy, a new book which aims to disprove much of the core beliefs of the paleo movement. This is my second video about this book.

The book is not shaping up to be what I thought it might be, I don’t find the arguments against paleo nutrition very convincing, but it is interesting reading all the same.

I do not present MotherNaturesDiet as ‘a paleo diet’ strictly, though we do follow broadly the same principles. However, as I explain in this video (link below), I actually think many in the paleo community are missing the point somewhat, as I don’t think we need to go all the way back to the paleolithic period to find what is wrong with our modern diet. I actually think we only have to go back to the Industrial Revolution to find the source of most of our biggest health and nutrition problems.

I see MotherNaturesDiet as a pre-Industrial Revolution diet, ‘The PI Diet’ more than just another paleo diet.

Watch this little video to learn more.



Reaction to PaleoFantasy Book #1

I have started reading Paleofantasy, a new book which aims to disprove much of the core beliefs of the paleo movement.

MotherNaturesDiet is not strictly ‘a paleo diet’, but we do follow broadly the same principles, and MND has certainly been formed from my own ‘caveman thinking’ and the influence of Mark Sisson, Loren Cordain and Robb Wolf, among others.

As I read this book, I will video blog by thoughts, here is the first video.



Changing how we think about ‘food as a treat’

Many people struggling to lose excess weight, need to change how they think of food as ‘a leisure activity’.

We parents must be so careful what we teach our kids about food. We must try not to teach them that sugary foods are ‘treats’. Such foods, consumed over decades, can have disastrous health consequences.


Learn more in this short video.

Cutting out dairy from your diet

Under the 12 Core Principles of MotherNaturesDiet, I recommends that you don’t eat dairy, but there are some exceptions.

Some people are fine consuming dairy products and some are not, but for anyone who suffers poor health or anyone who needs to lose weight, then I recommend not consuming dairy.

Watch this little video to learn more.


How much fruit should we eat?

We are all aware of the well publicized advice that we should eat lots of fruit and veg. However, many people get their ‘5-a-day’ predominantly from fruit, and not from vegetables. MotherNaturesDiet promotes eating twice as much veg as fruit, and I encourage people to keep fruit consumption to modest levels, depending on seasonal availability and climate.

This short video, just 5 minutes, explains in a bit more detail why it’s important not to eat too much fruit, and why we should ideally eat twice as much veg as fruit.

Health warnings on foods containing sugar and artificial additives

Summary of this post:
• It took 40 years from when health warnings started to appear on packs of cigarettes, for lung cancer rates to start declining.
• Despite the known harmful effects, an alarming 1.3 billion people worldwide still smoke.
• Despite 2 decades of promoting ‘5-a-day’ less than 40% of the population of the UK actually eat 5 portions of fruit and veg per day.
• If health warnings appeared on foods containing refined sugar and chemical additives now, it would likely take 40 years to arrest the present rise in obesity, diabetes and CHD.
• The only way to good health in our lifetimes, is to take personal responsibility NOW.

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The BBC seemingly ‘recommending’ a Big Mac over a home cooked Sunday roast

Many of you may have seen an article the BBC News site ran regarding new research linking red meat consumption to heart disease.

This is the original article: Red meat chemical 'damages heart', say US scientists

A good friend of mine who runs a vegan health retreat asked me for my thoughts, and I ended up writing a long reply to him, so I thought I would share it here with you too.

Here are my thoughts.

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Water usage and the Environmental Cost of Beef Production

I recently received this question:

Question for MND: meat farming is considered by some to be very resource-intensive and bad for the environment, compared with the nutrition you can get from grains and other farmed foods. I know you don't like grains - but where does the balance lie?

And I thought I would share the answer with you, for your interest:

MotherNaturesDiet replies: Thanks, you raise a really good point, and it's something I am going to be covering in detail in one of the books I am writing, which will be available later in the year.

The principle argument is a classic case of ‘distorted data’. The anti-meat lobby and many hard-line vegetarian blogs love to quote all this water-and-land usage data to argue for eating grains and not meat. They quote that it takes some huge number, 2,000 gallons or more, of fresh water to raise 1 pound of beef, therefore meat is this terrible resource-guzzling food, and so the story goes. They quote that the developing world could never all eat meat the way Americans do, because it would require so much land and fresh water to raise that much beef.

Summary of this post:
•Modern beef production wastes a lot of water, is cruel to the animals and has a high impact on the environment.
•It doesn’t HAVE to be that way, organic is sustainable and achievable.
•However, in the short term, organic is likely to remain a ‘niche choice’ for the conscientious consumer.
•The human population on Earth has only become so harmfully inflated due to intensive industrialised farming processes that started since the industrial revolution.

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Sugar-coated Breakfast Cereals

I was looking at this box of Tesco ‘Honey Nut Clusters with Milk Chocolate’ earlier, and I wanted to make sense of the label, to work out what is really inside the box.

Summary of this post –

Often, looking at the Nutrition panel on a product will not tell you the true story. Learn to understand the ingredients list so you really know what’s in your food – or better still, if it has a label, don’t buy it.

This box of cereal is a classic example.
• 55% processed grain
• 26.5% refined sugar
• At least 12% processed fat
• 93% of the contents of this box will not serve your body at all, except to provide ‘empty calories’ of low-grade carbohydrate.

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Beware of seemingly healthy options

Whenever I am travelling, I look at food that is available 'on the road' in my quest to try to help people make healthier choices.
This blog shows a classic example of how hard it can be to make the right choice.
This Vanilla Bean & Maple Syrup Smoothie caught my eye, the label design and the words, create the impression of a fairly healthy snack option.
SUMMARY of this post:
• This product is 10% protein, 17% fat and 48.5% sugar
• There are 11 teaspoons of sugar in this product
• There are so many calories in this small drink, that it would exceed the meal size for a number of calorie-controlled diet programs
• Beware the seemingly healthy options. Packaging can be deceiving, and indeed it is often purposefully designed to do just that
• The big companies pack sugar into everything
• If it has a label, you probably shouldn't eat it. Real food doesn't have a label

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