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“For the first time in human history, overweight people outnumber the underfed”

It’s an evening of research reading for me. I just read this excellent but rather sad and sobering summary statement:

“2013: For the first time in human history, overweight people outnumber the underfed, and obesity is widespread in wealthy and poor nations alike. The diseases that obesity makes more likely — diabetes, heart ailments, strokes, kidney failure — are rising fast across the world, and the World Health Organisation predicts that they will be the leading causes of death in all countries, even the poorest, within a couple of years. What’s more, the long-term illnesses of the overweight are far more expensive to treat than the infections and accidents for which modern health systems were designed. Obesity threatens individuals with long twilight years of sickness, and health-care systems with bankruptcy.”

This sad situation is exactly what MotherNaturesDiet aims to tackle. The human race is on a fast-track to self destruction, and no I am not being melodramatic, this is serious, this situation has been created in JUST 50 years, from when obesity was a rarity, to the largest global epidemic of our time.

Just 50 years.

Project your mind forward another 50 years, 100 years, 200 years, 500 years and tell me what future you see for humanity?

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Awesome chest training tool

I just love training my chest. I’m not aiming to be huge, not like a body builder or weight lifter, I just want to be reasonably strong, and capable, good functional strength, and look pleasing. Push-ups are my all-time favourite exercise. I love everything about push-ups, and some time I will write a blog post just about push-ups! I love all the ways they can be performed.

King of upper-body exercises

I once started writing a list of how many different ways I know how to do push-ups. I listed over 40 types of push-up! But of course, all of those types can be performed – wide ‘grip’, narrow ‘grip’, incline, flat, decline, one-leg, with weight vest on or off, fast tempo or slow tempo, on knuckles, palms, finger tips…so 40 plus styles, quickly multiplies to over 300 plus possible variations on the bog standard push-up.

My personal ‘mainstay’ is a fairly wide stance standard push-up, with my hands out slightly beyond shoulder width. I do these all the time, probably about 1000 per week every week just as part of my regular varied routine, often far more. You have to be careful with a wide stance/grip, as it can strain the shoulders, so it pays to build up for many months before doing loads of wide-grip push-ups, just to ensure you don’t upset your shoulders. My push-ups record using this slightly-wider-than-shoulder-width stance is 1014 good form push-ups in 59 minutes and 58 seconds. 1000 in an hour, happy with that. I ached for 2 days after, it was a killer workout, I was drenched in sweat!

Anyway, I will write more about push-ups another day, but for today, I wanted to share with you a new training tool I made which is just awesome for training chest using variations of push-ups.

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Moroccan Spiced Slow-Roast Lamb

A few weeks back I came up with this delicious Moroccan spiced version of the classic slow-roasted shoulder of lamb. I’ve been boasting about how good this is, so loads of my friends keep asking for the recipe, so here it is. Enjoy. If you know my style, you’ll know I rarely follow a set recipe, my measurements tend to be “a shake of this” and “a handful of that” and I rarely use many ingredients, so this is surprisingly complicated for me…but worth it, it’s so yummy!

Buy a good quality shoulder of lamb. I purchase local, outdoor raised, grass-fed, healthy organic lamb. I can even see the animals grazing in their fields from the upstairs windows of my house, that’s how local the farm is, and that’s how I know they are outside all day, all weather.

I cooked this for 9 people, 4 adults and 5 kids, and I bought a 3.4 kilo shoulder. The kids all ate well, so I guess this quantity would be about right for up to 6 adults.

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Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. But it doesn’t have to be that way…

The evening before last, I was privileged to be at The Odeon Leicester Square to attend the UK movie premiere of the excellent health documentary ‘Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead’

The movie is about an Aussie businessman who was grossly overweight, suffering poor health (he had urticaria, something I have battled and beaten myself over the last 8 years) and he was heading for a heart attack. He made this movie about his journey back to good health.

The movie is inspirational and a shortened version of it Read more

Home grown abundance is so yummy!

Best crop ever today - this is JUST today’s pickings from the strawberry patch in our garden. There would have been a 4th bowl, maybe a 5th, but we are a family of 5 and we were all eating them as we picked them!

Breakfast in the morning will be half an avocado, heaps of fresh strawberries, handful of crushed ice, splash of water, fistful of fresh dandelion leaves from the garden…blend that lot up for a yummy breakfast smoothie!

Enjoy the weekend folks.


Free greens for breakfast

This week, I’ve been eating dock leaves.

Not only are they great at stopping the itch from stinging nettles, but they go quite well in my scrambled eggs too.

I go out early every morning, at 6 am, either running or walking, and pick fresh young dandelion leaves and dock leaves on my way home.

Start with a drizzle of oil in the pan, thrown in the leaves, soften for a minute or two, then throw in a few free range organic eggs (and a few mushrooms, if you have them).

Breakfast in 4 minutes, nutritious and delicious!


Alcohol - are you in control of your relationship with alcohol?

Today I celebrate 18 months since I had my last sip of alcohol! Yay!!!

Interestingly, also 18 months since the last sniff or cough or sore throat…I have not been ill or had a cold or anything for so much as 1 day in the last 18 months. You can draw whatever conclusions you like from that.

As for alcohol, it feels good to banish that crap from my life, I’ve never felt better and I have no intention of going back. Now that I have banished alcohol and refined white sugar from my life, the fog has lifted from my brain and I see the world through clearer eyes. You might like to try it some time. It feels good.

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