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2013 Popular Posts #1: How does juicing fit into a paleo diet and lifestyle?

Here it is! Number ONE, the top spot, the most popular post I have written on all year - by a LONG way, this post has been viewed THOUSANDS of times, more than twice as much as the post in second place!

Green juiceI am often asked -

  • Is juicing healthy?
  • Are we supposed to consume calories in liquid form?
  • Should I take vitamin and mineral supplements?
  • Are vitamin pills good value for money?
  • Are the foods we eat today nutrient-depleted? Is the soil nutrient deficient?
  • What’s the difference between juicing and blending?
  • Will juicing help me lose weight fast?

This most-popular post answers all these questions and more.
Read more here -

2013 Popular Posts #2: MND Success Story – How one 67 year-old lady lost 84 lbs in LESS than A YEAR!

2013 Popular Posts #2: MotherNaturesDiet Success Story – How one 67 year-old lady lost 84 lbs in LESS than A YEAR and came off 4 out of 5 medications.

This fabulous story is deservedly among the most popular posts of 2013. Read how one of our wonderful followers defied conventional doctrine and massively and radically improved here health - let senior years be no barrier, whatever age you are, you can change for the better, add years to your life and life to your years, this lady looks better, feels better, has more energy, has freedom of movement, is off her meds and is feeling better in every way, and she is inspiring her friends and community members to make wiser, healthier choices every day.

Read more of this great story here -

Two whole years without alcohol

Today marks TWO YEARS since I consumed so much as a drop of alcohol.

I can honestly say that quitting alcohol has been one of the smartest decisions of my life.

I quit refined white sugar a few months earlier, and the combined effect of eliminating alcohol and sugar from my diet has been life-changing.

Alcohol is an insidious poison, it slowly takes a hold in your life, and it changes how your brain works in ways you will never fully understand until you are free from this drug.

If someone invented alcohol today, as a new product, it would be outlawed the same way cocaine is.

I have no intention of ever drinking again.

2013 Popular Posts #3: Beauty, Photoshop and the Media – keep it REAL people

Heading into the top 3 most popular MND blog posts of 2013 now.

This post only went online 2 weeks ago, but it has already proved to be the 3rd most popular thing I wrote in 2013.

What we see in the media, the images used in advertising, selling us everything from bathrooms to holidays, slimming foods to make up, clothes to cars, are not REAL. We are being sold a lie, and REAL people in the REAL world can never look like the images the media use to sell us these dreams.

make up artist pro

Thanks to professional make-up artists, professional photographers, lighting, lenses, filters and of course, the airbrushing of finished images, the media distorts everything we see. It’s ALL about selling us an impossible dream, to keep us STRIVING (to keep us BUYING) for something that is truly NOT REAL and unattainable.

It’s like watching stars in Hollywood movies and aspiring to have their looks, bodies or lifestyles. It’s not real. In the movies you never see the stars doing ordinary things, like buying groceries, cleaning the house or taking a dump. A movie is not real, it’s just a made-up, edited image. So it is with pictures on billboards and in magazines. Photographers and photo-editors create images that are NOT real, and can never be achieved in real life, they are only there to make you DESIRE the image, and that will trigger you to purchase what they are selling, in your pursuit of an unrealistic, unachievable goal.

Read more…


* * * * Miracle Hangover Cure * * * *

Here is the MND ***Miracle Hangover Cure*** for you: Don’t get drunk and don’t eat a ton of junk food!

That’s it. Not complicated, is it?

If you want to drink and party and have a good time, then that’s great, just down a large glass of water between each alcoholic drink. This will slow down your booze consumption, and most importantly, it will keep you hydrated.

A hangover is mostly caused by dehydration and not enough sleep so stay hydrated and plan to sleep in late tomorrow, and you should reduce your hangover symptoms dramatically.

Alternatively, like me, don’t drink at all and don’t eat a ton of junk food, and you’ll feel fine to start the New Year!

Have a great night, Happy New Year!!

2013 Popular Posts #4: The MND Guide to Body Composition – free eBook

  • How do we know what is ‘too fat’? We all know that it is unhealthy to be obese, but at what level does body fat start to become ‘too much’?
  • How do we define ‘too thin’ at the other end of the scale? Being grossly underweight can be as harmful as being grossly overweight. Where is the balance point?
  • Should men all aspire to the stereotype ‘6 pack hunk’ and are women unfairly pressured by the media to be ‘rail thin’ like catwalk models?
  • Is it healthier to be ‘a little chubby’ or ‘skinny as a rake’ or somewhere between the two?
  • Is it healthier to be ‘build like a brick outhouse’ or ‘built like a racing whippet’? IS it healthy to build lots of big muscles?
  • In short, what is the optimum amount of fat and the optimum amount of muscle men and women should aim for in order to achieve supreme good health and longevity?

This little book will answer those questions for you.

chicken salad

2013 Popular Posts #5: 127 Weight Loss Tips from MotherNaturesDiet

127 Weight Loss Tips from MotherNaturesDiet
– your free eBook

Back in November I published a little book of weight loss tips and this has proved to be the 5th most popular post of 2013.

So many people are looking for good advice to help them lose weight, and they find the ‘diet industry’ awash with rip-off solutions and supplements. Well here is a solution for you, and one that won’t cost you any money, and it doesn’t involve buying supplements, so-called ‘superfoods’ or some new-fangled piece of home workout equipment.

Please download this free book and share it with your friends and family if they are interested in being healthier and losing unwanted excess weight.

As you have probably figured out by now, MotherNaturesDiet is the no-tricks, no-gimmicks, common-sense approach to good health and fitness. That’s all you’ll find in this little book, just lashings of common sense and simple ideas, things you can do to lose weight and feel great.


2013 Popular Posts #6: Meal Replacement Shakes (rip off!)

2013 Popular Posts #6: the Bad, The Worse and The Plain Ugly

If you have ever considered using Meal Replacement Shakes as a weight loss strategy, then you might find this post interesting.

This is a long post, actually it’s the single longest post I have written all year. If you don’t have time to read it all, then just go to the beginning, where you will find a handy summary of the key details, posted as a series of bullet points for you.

The specific products covered in this post are:
Maxitone Sculptress - Maximuscle Progain Extreme
Herbalife Formula 1
Body By Vi - ViShape
Shakeology by Team Beachbody
Rockin’ Wellness

2013 Popular Posts #7: Sugar and the Insulin Response

2013 Popular Posts #7: Sugar and the Insulin Response – in plain, simple English

This was the 7th most popular piece I wrote in 2013, and with good reason. I only wrote this at the start of November, so in just 8 weeks it’s been viewed a lot of times.

Understanding the way your body responds to eating sugar, and starchy carbohydrates, is fundamentally important. MND Core Principle NUMBER ONE is “Eliminate grain and starchy carbs from your diet” and MND Core Principle NUMBER TWO is “Eliminate refined white sugar from your diet” - these are the single most important thing you can do to improve your health long term.

Read this post and understand the basic science - in the simplest plain English I could manage - behind these valuable rules for healthy living.

2013 Popular Posts #8: Awesome chest training tool

I just love training my chest. I’m not aiming to be huge, not like a body builder or weight lifter, I just want to be reasonably strong, and capable, good functional strength, and look pleasing. Push-ups are my all-time favourite exercise. I love everything about push-ups!

This post shows you a tool I made for training at home using just push-ups to develop a full strong chest. The post explains what it is, how to make one and how to use it.

Read more…

2013 Popular Posts #9: HEALTHY Rapid Crash Weight Loss

I received an amusing email from a friend a while ago.

This friend, who is single, suddenly had a hot date lined up and wanted to quickly lose weight and look tip-top as rapidly as possible. The email said (slightly tongue-in-cheek of course) “Any thoughts on how I lose 3 stone in 5 days?” and I laughed, a lot.

I can totally empathise with this situation. I have found myself in a similar situation many times in my life when I have had occasion to suddenly panic at the thought that I have some hot date or important meeting coming up when I want to look my best and there is no time to lose weight and get in shape. I am sure most of us can empathise with this feeling to some degree.

This post notes the madness of short term thinking, and then explores what can really be done to make a big impact in a short space of time, while still being HEALTHY.

2013 Popular Posts #10: We wouldn’t feed pizza to a rhino, so why are we feeding it to our children?

This post is about the so-called ‘food’ that forms an increasing proportion of the calories consumed by many people today.

We humans eat substances that we wouldn’t feed to other animals, but we feed them to ourselves, and we feed them to those we love the most, our children.

2013 Popular Posts #11 (joint 11th place): Beware of health and wellness industry rip offs

This post is about supplements, in particular, so-called superfood supplements, and how they are being sold to health-conscious consumers at extortionate prices. This post looks at the prices of these supplements, pound-for-pound compared to the price of real, natural, whole foods.

This is a topic that personally really gets me fired up. The ethos behind MotherNaturesDiet is all about living in harmony with our natural world, it’s all about eating real, whole, natural food, enjoying the great outdoors, avoiding the poisons of modern living and embracing natural movement and exercise. So one of my pet peeves is the over-complication of good health. There is a segment of the ‘diet, health and wellness’ industry which seeks to profit from having you believe that the answers to good health, good clear skin, youthful abundant energy, vibrant wellness and graceful, painless aging are locked in complex scientific solutions, hidden away in little-known secrets that these elite chosen few have somehow, after millions of years of evolution, finally unlocked right now in the 21st Century.

This post will show you how some ‘green superfood’ supplements cost as much £138 pounds per kilo (that’s $100 bucks per pound in the US, or 150 Euro per kilo) when fresh organic broccoli costs just £4 pounds per kilo in the supermarket. There is no way these processed powdered supplements can deliver nutritional value to your body at that ridiculous price point. The supplement game is a RIP OFF in my opinion.

Read Part 1 of this expose of the supplement business here and watch out for Part 2 coming up in the next couple of days.

2013 Popular Posts #11 (joint 11th place): Sugar is Public Enemy #1

This post explains how the diet industry led everyone in the wrong direction when they blamed saturated fat, and animal products specifically, for the rise in heart disease.

Sugar is the great offender in the modern Western diet. Since diet foods ‘cut the fat’ they just added more sugar - and obesity rates, diabetes, heart disease and cancer have all been rising ever since.

When they started pushing low fat

If you read this post and then want to know more about which animal products are health-giving and which should be avoided, I have written extensively on this subject, and you will find links on this page -

2013 Popular Posts #12: Avoiding ‘Diet Perfectionism’

2013 Popular Posts #12: Avoiding ‘Diet Perfectionism’ and the trap of crippling inaction

This post is about the pursuit of ‘diet perfectionism’

• There is so much conflicting and confusing ‘diet advice’ around these days, that it can be really hard to know what to do to genuinely make the best healthy choices. One of the main reasons I created MND in the first place, is because I too went through the years of reading, learning, trying different ‘diets’ and failing…it is all so confusing, the so-called experts all seem to disagree with each other. I feel so sorry for people trying to make healthy choices but not making progress, and MND was borne out of my desire to help other people from the lessons I have learned

• Many well-intentioned nutrition and wellness ‘experts’ promote ideals of healthy eating that are virtually impossible for ‘the rest of us’ to live up to

• A lot of people get caught up in trying hard to do “the right thing”, following all the fads, the latest craze, the health warnings and shopping for the latest superfood being promoted by some A-list celebrity

• It can be so hard to navigate the endless advice and warnings, that many people suffer the “paralysis of analysis”, so fearful of taking the wrong action, they end up taking no action at all

• This post will help you not to get too caught up in the world of ‘diet perfectionism’, and help you to see that if you just focus on making the big changes you need for a healthy lifestyle, the detail can drop into place later

Best health posts of 2013

There are just 3 days left in 2013.

I have been looking at the stats for this site at and I have compiled a list of the 12 most popular pages YOU have looked at over the entire of 2013.

I’ll re-run them all on here over the next 3 days, just in case you missed any!

Living a long and healthy life

How to live to be 100+

I LOVE this…I LOVE everything about this, this is exactly the stuff I tell people about longevity, it’s so bang on, this guy says exactly the same things that I say.

The answers to living a long, healthy, productive life are NOT -

  • Be rich
  • Work out like crazy in the gym every day
  • Run marathons
  • Lift heavy weight
  • Be stacked, jacked, swole, ripped and shredded
  • Have a 6-pack
  • Be rail think like a catwalk model
  • Wear $100 fancy running shoes
  • Etc…

The answers are about living a calm, happy, loving, ACTIVE life, follow your passion, reduce stress, do what you love, share love with people, don’t hate, eat a simple, NATURAL diet, everything in moderation, avoid too many modern conveniences…

I want to spend the next 40 years teaching this stuff to millions of people.

Please read more and SHARE:

Stay healthy, stay happy, life longer, 1luvx. MotherNaturesDiet

Meal Replacement Drinks – the Bad, The Worse and The Plain Ugly

This post is the second in a series of lengthy posts exposing the reality behind the lucrative market for diet and health supplements.

The first post in this series can be read here: Beware of health and wellness industry rip offs

For the last year I have been gathering my thoughts about MEAL REPLACEMENT and weight loss shakes. In this post, I will expose what I think is wrong with liquid meal replacement diets, I will look briefly at the companies selling these solutions to a confused public, and one by one, we will look at the ingredients and nutritional composition of several of the best known brands on the market.


If you don’t want to read this lengthy blog, then I’ll summarize it all for you here in simple bullet points.

  • They are all fake, synthetic formulas. Synthetic vitamins and other nutrients do not give your body the same benefits that natural nutrients do when consumed in whole fresh foods
  • Heavily processed powders full of synthetic ingredients, artificial sweeteners and chemically processed sugars have NO PLACE in a healthy lifestyle, in my opinion. Many of these shakes contain soy, rice, sugars, dairy (whey protein) and ‘fillers’, cheap sugary carbs to pack the product out and give it enough calories to fill you up
  • Meal replacement shakes, when taken as a weight-loss strategy, are not sustainable for the long-term. Any temporary behaviour can have a temporary effect. However, it requires long-term, permanent lifestyle change to effect long-term, permanent health and body changes. If you want to lose weight permanently, change your lifestyle, don’t resort to some powdered supplement as a quick-fix, short-term solution
  • You should be aware that many of the most popular meal replacement shakes and weight loss shakes, are sold under MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) schemes (what we used to call pyramid selling schemes but for some reason we are not allowed to call them that any more). These companies are not set up to help make you healthy, they are set up to make their founders and senior staff very rich. Pyramid schemes only work while people keep buying the product, so the goal is to get you in, get you on the program and keep you buying – your health and weight loss has nothing to do with it
  • The list of ingredients should be scrutinized rigorously – look for sugar, sugar and more sugar
  • The list of vitamins and minerals that the can, tub or packet claims the shake will deliver, cannot be taken as a definitive guide to what your body might absorb and use. You need to understand how synthetic nutrients are absorbed differently to nutrients delivered in real whole food, in order to understand why this is so
  • Meal replacement shakes are expensive, and that is money that you could spend on high quality, real, organic food. I never understood why people fall for these marketing tricks of the ‘diet food’ industry. I see it this way: if you are overweight, it’s extremely likely that you have either been eating too much food, or too much cheap, low-nutrient, high-sugar, junk food. Either way, just eat less, and eat real, plain, simple food. Think about it – SAVE money, just eat less. The solution to losing weight isn’t “go out and buy loads of extremely expensive powder to mix with some milk or water and spend half the day feeling hungry” – surely, the solution ought to be “eat less”. See, a solution that saves money, not one that costs more. Common sense thinking

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Beauty, Photoshop and the Media - keep it REAL people

Hey folks, today, I don’t have time to write much, so I am going to let a bunch of pictures do the talking. They say ‘a picture says a thousand words’, so hopefully these pictures will tell you all you need to know.

I gathered these images from the net, I do not have any permission to reproduce them, so all copyrights are assigned to the original owners, whoever they may be!

I have heard a lot of talk lately about the ridiculous level of Photoshop use, about how nothing we see is ‘real’ any more, we can’t trust anything we see in print or on screen. We talk about Photoshop, because it’s the best known image-manipulation software, but in fact there are many people and computers involved in creating the stereotypical images of perfection that we see in magazines, on TV and on billboards. There are professional make-up artists, hair extensions and hair stylists, fashion stylists, wardrobe experts, set designed, professional photographers with their lights and lenses, and then the computers set to work slimming thighs and eliminating blemishes.

What we see in the media, the images used in advertising, selling us everything from bathrooms to holidays, slimming foods to make up, clothes to cars, are not REAL. We are being sold a lie, and REAL people in the REAL world can never look like the images the media use to sell us these dreams.

As the line in the Baz Luhrmann song says “Don’t read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.”

It saddens me that we all, men and women, though particularly women, impressionable young women, come under this insane, cruel pressure every single day.

I have written about this before –


So now, I just want to share some images with you, to help YOU see the truth.

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Pills are not the answer!

Too many people take too many pills for too many insignificant minor daily conditions.

I don’t take pills for anything. I avoid pills and medications as much as I can, and I have probably got my total consumption of medications down to 1 or 2 little anti-histamine tablets per year now, and that’s it.

I hate pills!

I see people taking pain killers because they have a headache, and I ask what they have drunk that day - 6 cups of coffee and no water…and they wonder why they have a headache!! Dehydration!! They stare at a PC for 8 hours, then a TV for 5 more, and don’t drink water, then take pills at bedtime for their headache!!!

Then there are the people who eat garbage food, sit down all day slumped over a desk, guzzle gassy cola and eat yeast-laden, gluten-laden bread, then have spicy take-away food for dinner, and go to bed complaining of…indigestion!!! No kidding! They take ant-acids and say “if this keeps happening I might have to go to the doctor” - oh puh-lease give me strength! They don’t need to go to the doctor, they need to go to the GYM!!

Then there are the people who take weight-loss pills…oh don’t get me started!! These people need to know, the answers in life do NOT come in a pill - not to anything, not your crazy ‘get-rich-quick’ scheme, not the perfect body, not the partner of your dreams and not happiness. You get what you WORK for in life, the answers are not pills!

I see people taking pain killers for a hangover - perhaps they should learn moderation the night before.

I see people taking pills (and potions) when they have a cough or cold, they take things to ‘dry up’ and that’s wrong! They have a cold because their body is trying to get something OUT - a cough or cold is a form of elimination, their body wants the waste OUT, yet they take decongestants to dry up that elimination process and keep the waste IN! Wrong!!! They shouldn’t take pills, they should drink water, to hydrate and provide their body with extra fluid to flush the waste out.

People take vitamin pills every day, which often cost a small fortune, yet in their synthetic form, most pills are washed down the toilet an hour or two later. Madness, and a total waste of money. If they stopped taking pills and spent their money on good quality, real, fresh, organic food, they would get all the nutrients they need.

It’s all so simple, it’s just common sense thinking - pills are a lousy ‘quick fix’ and the real answer is to address the route cause and stop the problem from ever happening.

Don’t wait til it’s all too late

No one wants to get sick, no one wants to feel ill. Long term, none of us want to die. In one of his most famous speeches, Steve Jobs said “No one wants to die, even people who want to go to heaven, don’t want to die to get there.”

I look… around and I see thousands and thousands and thousands of people suffering from the same ill health…whether it’s legions of 30- and 40-something office workers who seem to suffer almost endless coughs, colds, sore throats or the dreaded ‘man-flu’, or I see thousands in the 50s being put on statins for the rest of their lives, or people being diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes, heart disease and cancer. 

I believe that for many people, we fail to make the connection between the little things we do every day - such as the poor food choices, the time in front of the TV, the lack of exercise, the alcoholic drinks and the ‘naughty treats’ we snack on - and the long-term consequences of these actions, when they add up cumulatively over a long period of time. 

I have written about this, about how we fail to link time to cause-and-effect, here:

And I made a short video about our mentality around “treats” -

When the doctor weighs and measures you, and does blood tests and scans, and delivers the bad news, in your 40s, 50s, or 60s, it is damn hard to turn things around and claw your way back to good health. It is easier to STAY healthy that to GET WELL from a place of illness and disease. SO don’t get sick, start looking after yourself NOW before you reach that point where a ‘come back’ is such a difficult task. 

I hope this makes some sense, I write this from a place of caring, from compassion, kindness and heartfelt concern, and I welcome your thoughts and feelings about this.