Too many people take too many pills for too many insignificant minor daily conditions.
I don’t take pills for anything. I avoid pills and medications as much as I can, and I have probably got my total consumption of medications down to 1 or 2 little anti-histamine tablets per year now, and that’s it.
I hate pills!
I see people taking pain killers because they have a headache, and I ask what they have drunk that day - 6 cups of coffee and no water…and they wonder why they have a headache!! Dehydration!! They stare at a PC for 8 hours, then a TV for 5 more, and don’t drink water, then take pills at bedtime for their headache!!!
Then there are the people who eat garbage food, sit down all day slumped over a desk, guzzle gassy cola and eat yeast-laden, gluten-laden bread, then have spicy take-away food for dinner, and go to bed complaining of…indigestion!!! No kidding! They take ant-acids and say “if this keeps happening I might have to go to the doctor” - oh puh-lease give me strength! They don’t need to go to the doctor, they need to go to the GYM!!
Then there are the people who take weight-loss pills…oh don’t get me started!! These people need to know, the answers in life do NOT come in a pill - not to anything, not your crazy ‘get-rich-quick’ scheme, not the perfect body, not the partner of your dreams and not happiness. You get what you WORK for in life, the answers are not pills!
I see people taking pain killers for a hangover - perhaps they should learn moderation the night before.
I see people taking pills (and potions) when they have a cough or cold, they take things to ‘dry up’ and that’s wrong! They have a cold because their body is trying to get something OUT - a cough or cold is a form of elimination, their body wants the waste OUT, yet they take decongestants to dry up that elimination process and keep the waste IN! Wrong!!! They shouldn’t take pills, they should drink water, to hydrate and provide their body with extra fluid to flush the waste out.
People take vitamin pills every day, which often cost a small fortune, yet in their synthetic form, most pills are washed down the toilet an hour or two later. Madness, and a total waste of money. If they stopped taking pills and spent their money on good quality, real, fresh, organic food, they would get all the nutrients they need.
It’s all so simple, it’s just common sense thinking - pills are a lousy ‘quick fix’ and the real answer is to address the route cause and stop the problem from ever happening.