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Posts tagged ‘Food’

Quick, run for that mince pie!!

Christmas is almost here! Yippee!!

It’s Christmas Day tomorrow, we are right in the middle of prime-time “calories central” as we round out the ‘office party season’ and start the ‘family feasting’!!

I’m not stupid, I know that late December is pretty much 100% the worst time of the year to promote healthy living, abstinence from alcohol, and ‘stop eating sugar’ advice!!!

I know! OK! I get it!

(It’s OK, I’m sure you’ll love me again come January 2nd…)

In the interests of trying to remain popular, I’m not going to say a word about alcohol (you are probably sipping a drink while reading this now, so relax and enjoy yourself.)

Let’s just talk about sugar.

As you stock up the kitchen cupboards with boxes of mince pies, big tubs of Cadbury’s Roses, Celebrations, Heroes and Quality Street, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake and all the other sugary delights that are so popular in this country, just spare a thought for how much exercise you might have to do to burn that stuff off.

(If you have heard the expression ‘you can’t outrun a bad diet’ and ever doubted it, you might find this quite interesting.)

  • A standard deep-filled Sainsbury’s mince pie contains 262 calories (according to Sainsbury’s website as of this morning) and an awful lot of sugar
  • Few people understand how many calories we burn when we exercise
  • Roughly speaking, a 10.5-stone woman of 40’ish, jogging for 30 minutes, will burn approximately 267 calories (we are all different, this is an average figure, so if that is 10.5-stone of lean muscular athlete, the data will be a little different.)

Yes, you are reading that right. You have to go out jogging for half an hour just to burn the calories in one little mince pie!


  • How about that after-lunch Christmas day or Boxing day sit-down on the sofa, watching a movie while cuddling that big tub of Roses or Celebrations? Obviously the size and content of all the different sweets varies, but on average you are likely looking at 40 to 50 calories per sweet, so a dozen sweets can quickly clock up 500 calories, and it’s all sugar!
  • For a 14-stone man, that’s about an hour and a half of gentle cycling, or two hours of golf, to burn through those 500 calories. Just a dozen Roses!
  • And as for the Christmas cake, a modest slice of Tesco Finest iced-top fruit Christmas cake delivers around 400 calories
  • A 12-stone woman would need to do 40 minutes in a step aerobics class to burn through that one modest slice of cake

Obviously, I hope you enjoy your Christmas, enjoy time with family and friends, and enjoy ‘a little of what you fancy’ over the holidays. But while you are indulging this week, surrounded by boxes of chocolates, mince pies and sweets, you might want to think about scheduling in plenty of time for some additional exercise…or join the masses on Jan 1st moaning they are “feeling fat” and regretting their holiday excesses!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!

To your good health!


Change your breakfast, change your life

Breakfast. I don’t know why but many people embracing healthy eating and lifestyle change seem to struggle with changing their breakfast.

Maybe because it’s the first meal of the day…perhaps that “I am going to change, I am going to lose weight and feel better, it all starts tomorrow.” always starts with breakfast.

Day 1. Meal 1. Oh s**t. Ground zero. Healthy eating starts now.

People always ask me what to have for breakfast. People have eaten - just as I did - nothing but cereals and toast for years. I did that every day for about 35 years. 

The short answer: switch to scrambled eggs

It’s quick, it’s easy, and I find most people like eggs. With some practice, personally I have got the art of knocking up a few eggs down to just three or four minutes. I encountered one lady who claims to have it down to 90 seconds. That beats me, I have no idea how she does it that quick!

I grab my unpasteurised, grass fed butter, stick a chunk in a pan, pop the heat on, and it starts melting. I grab a bag of spinach from the fridge, throw two or three good hand-fulls in the pan, pop it back and grab the eggs. Crack three or four in. Start stirring. Slice up a fresh tomato on the side of my plate, stir again, turn off heat, serve.

Scrambled eggs, with spinach and tomato. Quick and easy. Four minutes. Done. Could chop and throw in a couple of mushrooms. Optional.
Four more minutes to eat.
Two minutes to wash the pan and put the plate and cutlery in the dishwasher.
Breakfast. Nutritious, healthy, tasty, done in ten minutes.


Some folks say to me “I don’t have ten minutes for breakfast!”

Really? You might want to re-evaluate how you are living your life. I mean, get your butt out of bed ten minutes earlier. Do you want to be healthier or not? Set your priorities here, now, and stop making excuses.

Some say “I tried that and it just wasn’t filling enough, I need a bit more bulk.” (Stop. Look down, at your own belly - is that the kind of bulk we’re talking about here? ‘Cos it looks to me like you already have plenty there…yes? Maybe it’s time to reappraise that appetite of yours, and recognise that eating too much has been your issue for some years, and to turn that around we need a period of some years where you have to eat too little. Ouch, that hurts. Sorry.) 

But if you do need a more substantial breakfast, you can always grill a bunch of sausages when you have time (Sunday afternoon perhaps) and then keep them in the fridge. Each day, just chop up a couple and throw them in with your spinach and eggs. Voila, breakfast more substantial for only a few seconds extra effort.


The next objection (obstacle, reason, excuse) I get is “But I can’t eat many eggs, they bind me up.”

OK, I understand, though from my experience, I would say that if you have the rest of the Mother Nature’s Diet healthy lifestyle in place, such as 10-a-day or more fruit and veg, they you’ll have plenty of fibre in your diet, combined with good hydration and regular varied exercise, this should all ensure you have good gut function and once you get in the habit of eating eggs regularly, everything is usually OK.

If eggs bind you up, is it really the eggs? Eating enough fruit? And veggies? Plenty of water? Plenty of movement and exercise? Check all your bases.

Dead boring

This is the one that makes me laugh.

People say “Eggs, sure, I can try that, but what like, the next day? I mean, surely I’m not going to have scrambled eggs every day? Every day, OMG how boring, like the same thing every day, that’s so dull. What else can I have for breakfast?”

Why is this even an issue?! 

Seriously, years trying to help people improve their diet and lose weight, and I never met anyone eating boxed cereals for breakfast who says “Oh God, bloody flakes of wheat or corn, shaped and covered in sugar and chocolate flavour…again, oh how boring!”

No one.


I never met anyone who said “I am so bored of this butter dripping off this toast yet again today, ummm with chocolate spread on it, yeah, so boring.”

No one.


When people eat sweet tasting cereals and toast (yeah, those processed comfort foods that got you overweight in the first place) for breakfast they seem perfectly happy to eat the same thing for breakfast every single day for 30 or 40 years and they never complain that it’s boring.

Suggest scrambled eggs, and two days in folks be like “And…?”

Get a grip.

It’s real food.

Once you stop poisoning your palate with the ceaseless sweetness of processed foods, after a few weeks you might actually start being able to taste real, fresh foods once again. Suddenly, your life can move beyond everything needing to be sweet at breakfast, and hot and spicy in the evening. Really, life on Earth isn’t all sugar and chili powder, that’s not real fresh food that’s at fault, it’s YOU, you ‘broke’ your palate and you just THINK broccoli is boring, because all you know how to taste is sugar and chili.

Your problem.

Get over it.

Monday to Friday, when time is tight, have eggs.

At the weekend, if you have more time, you can do more. Experiment with fresh fruits, and some nuts. Learn to make nut porridge. Buy a blender or NutriBullet and make a smoothie. Try fresh fish, sardines, or smoked salmon. Or a good old full English breakfast - bacon, eggs, sausage, mushrooms, tomato. Just buy organic, buy quality, no rubbish.

Change your breakfast, change your life.

Get that first meal, on that first day, nailed, and the rest will follow.


The hard stuff is easy…it’s the easy stuff that so many people find hard

Promoting common-sense based healthy living, the Mother Nature’s Diet way, I travel around the country doing seminars and workshops, I give people one-to-one training and mentoring, and I meet a lot of doctors, trainers, nutritional therapists and other health professionals.

When I started all this five years ago, I would have thought it would be ‘the hard stuff’ that people would struggle with, that was my expectation. By ‘the hard stuff’ I mean overcoming years of low self-esteem, quitting smoking, overcoming the spiral of negative emotions that so often lead to poor health habits in the first place, or learning about nutrition and exercise, learning what to eat and what to avoid. I would have thought that was the hard stuff that most people did not understand, and I would have thought that would be the stuff folks find hard to deal with.

But in reality, when I talk to people who are making changes to their diet and lifestyle to lose weight, get fitter and improve their health, it’s not that stuff they are looking for help with. Far more often, the stuff they want help with is stuff that I think is ‘the easy stuff’. It’s things like - ‘what can I eat for breakfast?’ and ‘how can I find time to exercise?’ and ‘what am I supposed to eat for dinner?’

Seriously, this is the easy stuff!

Let me share with you some simple tips for the things people tell me they find difficult.

What to eat - breakfast

  • We want to get away from cereals and toast. Make scrambled eggs. Once you get good at it, then it only takes three or four minutes, that’s no time at all. I met a lady the other day, a GP, who said she’s got hers down to under 90 seconds! Quicker than me!
  • I like to add greens to my eggs, so I throw in a few handfuls of spinach while they are cooking, it all cooks down in there and adds valuable nutrients to my breakfast. Sometimes I add some mushrooms too, and then a fresh tomato on the side
  • If you fancy a sausage or two, or some bacon with your eggs, that’s great. But organic sausages, high meat content and gluten free, that’s best
  • If you want the bacon or the sausages, but don’t have time to grill them every day, then just grill a batch at the weekend or one evening when you do have time, and then keep them in the fridge - you can grab a couple out, chop them up and thrown them in your scrambled eggs to heat up while you are cooking, it only takes seconds
  • Cooked brekky in under 5 minutes = no excuses
  • Sometimes in summer I like a bowl of fresh fruits for breakfast, with a handful of mixed nuts added to make things a bit more substantial. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apple and later in the season, blackberries too. You might like to add pineapple, watermelon or grapefruit
    If you own a blender, ‘bullet’ or similar, then knocking up a breakfast smoothie a couple of times per week can be a very quick solution - you can even take it with you and drink it in the car!
  • Further ideas if you have time, are on this site

Read more

The One Diet to Rule Them All…

Which diet is best for you?

I have recently been reading a lot of ‘diet books’ and related blogs and looking at some of the most popular diet programs currently in vogue.

Within the space of just a few days:

  • I read an excellent report on the benefits of ketogenic diets for type-2 diabetics and people suffering from neurodegenerative disease. The article was written by someone knowledgeable, intelligent, published and well-respected, and backed up by plenty of examples of people who have enjoyed success with ketogenic diets (personally, I know several who get great results!)
  • Then, without looking for it, the very next day I happened across a well-reasoned argument against ketogenic diets, again written by a knowledgeable trainer with a long track record of client success stories. He warned of the dangers of low carb diets negatively affecting thyroid function, and he shared many anecdotal stories of female clients who have suffered hormone disruption through trying ketogenic diets. He also argued convincingly that ketogenic diets can cause some people to suffer sleep abnormalities, hormone problems, mood swings, anxiety and misery (life without carbs – not much fun!)
  • Ummm, one blog full of reports of people going super low-carb and finally ditching that stubborn belly fat they wanted to get rid of. The other blog full of reports of people feeling tired, run-down, burnt out on ultra low-carb, who then ate more carbs and felt strong again and saw that stubborn belly fat finally melt away! Confusion much!
  • Then I was reading a book about the benefits of intermittent fasting and the health benefits of fasting in general. Again a well-researched and well written book, lots of scientific references and plenty of anecdotal references too. Mental benefits, fat burning benefits, metabolic benefits, weight loss, improvements in blood sugar management, insulin sensitivity and more
  • I had a look around online and found many blogs and groups proclaiming the benefits of intermittent fasting diets, full of weight-loss success stories…and I found a similar number of blogs and groups bemoaning that ‘intermittent fasting diets don’t work’ or that as soon as they returned to eating ‘normally’, these people regained any weight they had lost - “it’s just a fad” they proclaim
  • I read a wonderful book a couple of weeks ago about some of the newest research into the effectiveness of Paleo diets and how many people enjoy weight loss results on a Paleo-style dietary regime. Then I read a series of very confusing blogs, and it became clear to me just how muddled the Paleo message has become, which is kinda sad. Some people seem to interpret Paleo as meaning ‘fairly low carb’, and some seem to think it means LCHF (low carb, high fat) and some seem to eat lots of carbs. Some think ketogenic diets are an extension of Paleo, while others look at hunter-gatherer tribes eating high carb diets (many roots and tubers) and argue that Paleo is actually pretty high carb
  • Oh the glorious confusion! I found stories of folks getting weight loss results and improved health from all variants of this Paleo interpretation! These people were all following variations of what they believe to me a Paleo diet, some very low in carbs, some really quite high in carbs, and all achieving weight loss results or health improvements. Then I searched around and found opposing legions of people complaining Paleo is too hard, Paleo is too restrictive, Paleo doesn’t work and they failed to lose weight on a Paleo diet!

Now let’s just see – Read more

Bashing sugar, bashing carbs, bashing grains…bashing each other?

Bashing sugar, bashing carbs, bashing grains…bashing each other. How is all this in-fighting actually helping anyone?

In-fighting within the ‘nutrition, diet and health’ industry, it seems, is a problem escalating even more rapidly that the much-talked-about obesity epidemic.

My kind friend alerted me to this piece in the news this week, titled ‘Bad fad – Ruby Tandoh on how clean eating turned toxic’ This follows on from a BBC Horizon episode that screened last week, which attacked the trend for ‘clean eating’ and looked at a number of cook books that promote ‘clean eating’ as a diet trend. To be honest I don’t watch TV, I have not watched the show, and a number of trusted friends who watched it have assured me I didn’t miss much! So, I will save my hour for watching something better, like Joel Salatin on farming, or Rhonda Patrick and Bruce Ames discussing micronutrients, or I’ll grab myself some motivation and exercise tips from Erin Stern working a Tabata circuit.

Anyway, back to our clean eating post.

Goodness, where do I begin with this!!!??!?!!

I agree with about half of the article, maybe more, in fact I agree with most of it, the facts and figures and statements about health, food and nutrition, yes I pretty much agree with all of that…but I strongly disagree with the angry, finger pointing, judgemental, aggressive tone of the writing.

Let’s see now, we have a skinny, young, privileged female, who has recovered from an eating disorder, and who blogs to share recipes and sells cookery books, and here she is basically slagging off all the other skinny, young, privileged female food bloggers and cookery book sellers, suggesting that their work promotes eating disorders. Ummm, writers bias anyone? Read more

More gym, less wine

News items telling the public that drinking alcohol has health benefits are a regular feature of the tabloid press, and once again this week I spotted this news item this morning on my Facebook feed:
“Glass of Red Wine Equals 1 Hour at Gym, New Study Says”

My goal this week is not to ‘bash alcohol consumption’ specifically, but just to highlight how scientific facts become distorted by the time they find their way into the mainstream press.

The news article linked above clearly attempts to inform the reader that drinking red wine is so good for your heart, that it’s as good as exercise. Of course, if we read down a little way, we find the message is slightly less clear…the research lead is noted as saying that a compound found in red wine, resveratrol, can have positive benefits on your heart and other muscles which may be beneficial for those who cannot exercise. He stresses that for those physically incapable of exercise, a glass of red wine may be beneficial alongside what little exercise they can manage.

So here we have a classic example of how a research er has made a suggestion that “may offer some benefit” to a specific ‘special population’ but by the time it reaches the popular press, the headline is “Glass of Red Wine Equals 1 Hour at Gym, New Study Says” with no mention of “might” or “for those who are physically incapable of exercise” and the short article is accompanied by a picture of red wine being poured, captioned with the words “Glass of red wine equals 1 hour at gym.”

Clearly, this is somewhat stretching the truth - to suggest to the population at large that they will somehow derive the same benefits from sitting at home drinking wine, as they would from going to the gym and working out for an hour. How ridiculous!


So what is this compound, resveratrol?
You can read a little about it hear on Wikipedia.

Resveratrol is a compound found in the skin of the grapes they use to make wine. In the grape skin, the resveratrol is found in much higher concentrations…so why not publish an article saying “eating grapes can benefit your heart” - that would surely be better health advice to give to the general public, yes? In a society wrestling with an obesity epidemic, would that not be more responsible journalism? Read more

It’s never a matter of education…

It’s never a matter of education.
It’s always a matter of motivation.

I have been on my own health journey for the last 27 years, and I have spoken to many hundreds of people around the subject of weight loss and healthy living, pretty much every day for the last 11 years, and I have directly worked with people and tried to help people with weight loss just about every day for the last 5 or 6 years, and in all that time and contact, I have never met one single person who didn’t understand that eating vegetables is good for you.

I have never met anyone who thought smoking was good for you.
I didn’t meet one single person who thought beer and pizza was healthy, slimming food.
I have not met a single soul who thought ‘eat more veg, drink more water and get some exercise’ was bad advice.

You see, we all know what to do, we just don’t do what we know.

It doesn’t seem to matter how many times I revisit this topic, it remains an undeniable truth. These days, everyone knows what they should be doing. We know we shouldn’t smoke, we know we should drink less, we know six pints per night is not healthy. We know two bottles of wine on a Saturday evening is too much and we are going to regret it the next morning. We know that we shouldn’t order take-away food four nights per week. We know we should eat more salad, more oily fish, and watch less TV.

But still we do all of these things. I work with people every day who know the things they should be doing to lose weight, have more energy, and feel better, yet they still engage in those things they know they shouldn’t.

And so it is.
Success in our health endeavours is almost never a matter of education, and almost always a matter of motivation. Read more

Are we normalising obesity?

The rising obesity problem is a subject that is constantly in the news these days. As with every ‘latest thing’ that comes in and out of the public consciousness, when a topic is hot, we find every journalist and blogger out there writing about it, and opinions become varied, multitudinous and often contentious. And so it is with obesity.

In recent years we have seen many opinions about obesity, and read much shared research. We see that obesity can be blamed on genes, and we can read that childhood obesity is down to parenting, not junk food. We might read in the news that obesity could be classified as an eating disorder, or the next day the news will tell us that obesity is caused by poverty. We read that in the US, obesity is being treated as a disease, and we see obesity being blamed on something called obesogenic environments. Another day we may read about the obesity-promoting role of hyperpalatable foods, and we are constantly reading that sugar is to blame for obesity, and other addictive foods. We see the obesity epidemic blamed on the giant corporations of the food industry, and we may have even read that obesity is socially contagious.

Amid all this, while many derogatory words have been written about obese people over the years, now we see the tide turning. Many journalists and bloggers are now reporting that fat shaming does no good, it only makes things worse, it hurts people, and it’s time to stop blaming obese people for their condition; we must be more understanding and supportive. It is suggested that obesity is actually just a learned set of behaviours. We are seeing new reports that obese people are treated differently, to their detriment, by the doctors, and some experts are saying that if you put together everything above, then it plain isn’t your fault if you are fat.

Normalising obesity

It certainly is a contentious topic. I’m not going to go through all those news articles linked above and address each one of them in turn, giving my analysis and opinion on them all, that would take many pages of writing. Suffice to say that some of those articles I broadly agree with, some I largely disagree with, and most, or perhaps all of them, I would say contain some truth, but not ‘the only truth’.

The weight problem in the UK is accelerating rapidly. Official data from 2013 shows that 26% of men in the UK are obese, and 67% of men in the UK are either overweight or obese. For women, those figures are 24% and 57%, respectively. Of all the large, populous nations in Western Europe, the UK is the fattest. In the United States, the problem is even worse, with 71% of men and 62% of women overweight or obese.

To give that data some context, 50 years ago, in the mid-1960s, obesity in the UK stood at around 1.5% (1.8% men, 1.2% women, in 1965).  Read more

Mother Nature’s Diet FAQs - Core Principle 3 and pasteurised dairy

In Core Principle 3 you say “eliminate pasteurised dairy”. Does that mean all dairy is completely out? Can you explain please?

This is a great question, and a massive topic, that goes off in many different directions. In the book MND Book 1: the 12 Core Principles the whole topic is dealt with in detail, here we will just touch on the subject in brief.

Here is ‘the short version’.

Core Principle 3 includes “eliminate pasteurised dairy” from your diet.

That is not a blanket statement to say that ‘dairy is bad for you’. In fact, it is often a sign of fad diets and inaccurate science when diet plans block out entire food groups for all people without any exception.

The reality is that we can’t make such blanket statements because in truth, all people are different. Cow’s milk contains a carbohydrate called lactose, and it contains proteins called whey and casein. Many people are intolerant to lactose or whey, and some folks can’t tolerate casein. These compounds can cause all manner of unwanted side effects from bloating, smelly gas, mucous, cold-like symptoms, gastrointestinal distress, stuffiness, lethargy, stomach cramps, diarrhoea and more.

So if you ever consume milk or dairy foods and suffer from any of those symptoms, you could try quitting dairy completely for a few months and seeing if that helps you.

But these intolerances may only affect, perhaps, half of us here in Europe. The other half, might be just fine. It seems, that if you are lactose, whey and casein tolerant, then a quality organic dairy food can be a valuable source of protein and micronutrients in your diet.


Mass-market milk, the stuff for sale in our supermarkets, is pasteurised and homogenised. These are processes designed to kill off potentially harmful bacteria in milk, and extend its shelf life for the purposes of distribution and sales. The trouble is, pasteurisation also kills off some of the digestive enzymes in milk, and this causes two problems. One is that Read more

Mother Nature’s Diet FAQs - Can I eat beans and legumes?

Living the MND way, can I eat legumes – beans, pulses and sweetcorn?

If you have read the FAQs and learned why we avoid eating grains, you will remember that one reason to avoid eating grains is because they contain compounds that affect our digestion - gluten, phytic acid, and so on.

Just like grains, all these beans and legumes are a kind of seed, they are the “babies” of the plants. So if we think of wheat as the babies (seeds) of the grasses in that family of plants that we call cereal crops, then similarly, beans and lentils are the seeds of the plant family we call legumes. Technically, biologically, they are very similar to grains. Apologies for the over simplification, but this isn’t a science lecture, I just want you to understand the broad idea.

Mother Nature, in all her complex wonder, evolved our wonderful world to help propagate every species in some kind of glorious harmony. All these grasses and other plants evolved for herbivorous animals to eat them, but Mother Nature had to come up with ways to enable the seeds of those plants to survive and re-grow. In some cases, seeds evolved in ways to avoid being eaten, by growing high out of a grazing herbivores reach, or by hiding inside a tough seed head, in other cases seeds  evolved tough outer cases, so that they would survive being eaten by an animal and then pooped out the other end. In other cases, she designed the seeds to thrive inside that animal, so that when it was pooped out the other end, it was ready to grow into a new plant.

Ruminants (that is animals such as cows, sheep, goats, camels, yaks and so on) have a much more complex, slower digestive system than humans. They pass food into a rumen (one of their multiple stomachs) which is basically a fermentation tank inside a cow. They also “chew the cud” which means they Read more

Myth busting – Part 11

Continued from Myth busting – Part 10. If you have not read Part 10 yet, I suggest you go start there, in order to keep everything in context. Thanks!

Carbon sequestration


To be clear on usage of certain terms:

Carbon (organic carbon) means the mineral carbon, an essential building block of all organic life on Earth – plants and animals, including humans.

Carbon dioxide means the gas breathed out by animals, and taken in by plants. Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas in our atmosphere – but human activity burning fossil fuels has increased the amount.

Over millions of years, plants ‘breathe in’ carbon dioxide and use it as a building block for cellular life. As those plants grow up into big strong trees, so the dense wood holds lots of carbon. When the tree dies, the logs fall to the ground and are buried in new growing organic matter. That carbon is taken down into the ground and stored for many years, slowly releasing its mineral content into the soil to nourish other plants and animals. This is a crude explanation, but you get the idea.

Carbon sequestration means ‘taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and storing it as carbon bound up in life forms (such as wood, plants, soil, insects, etc.)

A carbon sink is a place or thing that acts to sequester carbon, such as a tree.

Mother Nature provides places to sequester carbon naturally. The oceans, the topsoil, the forests and peat bogs (peat wetlands or peatlands) are all massive efficient carbon sinks, the world’s top four. The problem is, those carbon sinks are not working optimally.

Where have all the fishies gone?

Approximately 70% of the planet is covered by oceans and seas. Currently, around one third of all the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is sequestered by our oceans. They could be taking a lot more.

However, there is a problem with our oceans. We have over-fished them for the last century or more, and the result is that early in the 21st century we find that 85% of fisheries worldwide are over-fished and seriously depleted. We have massively reduced fish stocks in our oceans, and the use of trawlers and supertrawlers has decimated marine life, hurting Mother Nature’s ability to restore what we have taken. In some species, over 90% of living stock has been wiped out over a few decades, reducing numbers below a certain ‘critical mass’ to such a point that populations can’t recover. This means the oceans have a reduced ability to sequester carbon from the atmosphere, due to lower levels of biological activity in ocean waters.

You see, it’s supposed to be the life in the water that sucks up the carbon…not the water itself. However, with more carbon dioxide in the air, our oceans are also suffering from something called ‘ocean acidification’ which means the water itself is absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, because there is more there to absorb, and it’s changing the pH of ocean waters, reducing the oxygen-richness of ocean waters. This makes it harder for marine life to proliferate. It’s a double whammy, and a vicious negative cycle.

We need marine life to proliferate in order to sequester carbon. Ocean acidification, over-fishing and pollution have left the oceans with reduces amounts of algae, phytoplankton, seaweed and fish. The result is that our best carbon sink isn’t working at all well, and the largest part of the planet’s surface, that should supply a huge proportion of our food, is drastically depleted. The answer must be to stop over-fishing, stop polluting our oceans with plastics, chemical waste and more, stop polluting the atmosphere with burned fossil fuels and let the oceans work naturally, the way they are supposed to.

Without trying to sound too melodramatic about it, it’s a bit like the zombie apocalypse, but underwater. Reduced life, pollution, loss of marine biodiversity, massive scars of land destroyed by trawlers, ‘kill squads’ out slaughtering marine life en masse. What’s happening in our oceans isn’t pretty. Read more

Myth busting – Part 7

Myth: Plants are healthy, they are ‘all good’ and we can eat as much as we like.


Truth: No! Many plants contain all sorts of chemical compounds that are extremely harmful to human health! You can’t eat poison ivy! What about deadly nightshade! Apple pips contain cyanide! What about gluten! There are highly poisonous mushrooms and numerous deadly herbs. The list is long! But among the common plants we do eat, there are plant foods containing compounds such as lectins, goitrogens, protease inhibitors, amylase inhibitors, phytate (or phytic acid), tannins, saponins and calcium oxalate, as well as some lesser compounds that are not very good for us.

The reality is that more than 90% of the biomass of plant life on Earth is completely unavailable to humans as food. We cannot eat grasses, we cannot eat trees, and most leaves are indigestible to us. We cannot eat grains unless we process them, and estimates suggest that around half the human population is intolerant to gluten to one degree or another. Raw potatoes will make you sick. Legumes are rich in lectins that upset digestive function. Phytates, or phytic acid, found in legumes, nuts and grains, have ‘anti-nutrient’ properties, leaching other valuable minerals from your body.

Many of these compounds are enzyme inhibitors of one type or another – that is, they stop various digestive enzymes from doing their job properly, meaning your body cannot absorb some of the minerals that you consume in your food.

And you thought plants were good for you!!!! Read more

Myth busting – Part 6

Continued from Myth busting – Part 5

Myth: OK, so gorillas might not be a great example, but cows are vegans, they eat only grass all day long, and look how big and strong they get! Clearly, a low-fat, meat-free, plant based diet is the way forward!

Truth: Cows eat an extremely high-fat diet! And they are not vegans!

Yeah this one will really mess with your head! Yes, cows eat an 80% fat diet, through a very similar set up as described in Myth busting – Part 5 for the gorilla. Cows and gorillas are both fermenters, so in some ways cows and gorillas have more in common, from a digestive perspective, than humans and gorillas.

Cows are ruminants, they have multiple digestive chambers inside (you’ve heard ‘cows have four stomachs’ right?) the first of which is called a rumen. When they eat grass and leafy plants, it all goes straight down into the rumen, where the process of ‘rumination’ (hence the genus name, ruminant) begins. Rumination involves bringing the food up and down between the mouth and the rumen, generally four to five times for every mouthful.

A cow’s rumen is an amazing thing. This fact blows my mind: in a single cow’s rumen, there are more bacteria then there are human being’s alive on the whole planet! Boom! Mind blown!

And on top of all that bacteria, there are billions of protozoa and digestive enzymes too, and this is still only in the first of the cow’s four major digestive chambers. Traditional tribes used to understand that the lining of a cow’s rumen is so nutritionally dense, they would kill a cow and eat the rumen lining, throwing the muscle meat to their dogs. Yes, they ate the organs and stomach lining and gave the sirloin steak and fillet steak to their dogs!

Read more

Myth busting – Part 5

This post is Part 5 of a continuing series of posts tackling persistent myths in the world of healthy eating, with a particular focus on the consumption of animal foods as a source of ill health and environmental destruction.

You may like to read the whole series starting from Myth busting – Part 1

Myth: But big strong animals like gorillas don’t eat meat. A gorilla is a vegan and he’s made of muscle! So who needs all that protein now then?!?!

You may have seen this image circulating on social media sites, lots of folks who don’t really know much about health and nutrition like to share this image as some kind of ‘proof’ that it is healthiest to be a vegan, and no one needs to eat animal foods at all.

I don’t want to sound rude, and this next line isn’t meant to be an attack on any vegans or an insult to anyone specifically, but in all honesty, sharing this Internet meme as some kind of ‘proof’ that people shouldn’t eat meat is pretty much the highest display of ignorance out there in the whole ‘meat vs. vegetarian’ discussion.

Not ignorant because the people sharing it don’t know much about the digestive system of a gorilla; that’s fair enough, most folks probably don’t; but ignorant because the people sharing this are stupid enough to think the digestive function of one animal somehow acts as some guide of evidence-based scientific guide to the digestive system of another. That is just plain dumb.

Why would the digestive system and food habits of a gorilla have anything to do with a human?

Oh because gorillas have muscles, therefore this is ‘proof’ of how to build muscles?

Well elephants have muscles too; maybe I should eat an elephant’s diet? Read more

Myth busting – Part 3

Myth: Vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters, because eating meat is bad for you.

Truth: Eating meat is not ‘bad for you’ – go back and read Myth busting – Part 1 again! What do you think your ancient ancestors ate before we started farming?

According to a number of studies, it would seem that many (certainly not all!) vegetarians are indeed ‘healthier’ than many (not all) meat eaters, but there is no real evidence to suggest that it’s got much to do with avoiding meat.

There is a lot of confusion around this area. Studies have attempted to look at the differences between vegetarians and meat eaters – but what does ‘vegetarian’ really mean? It’s a self-reported ‘condition’, it’s not like ‘people over 6 foot tall’ or ‘black people’ or ‘women’ – these are irrefutable facts that are visible to all eyes. But many vegetarians report themselves to be vegetarians when in fact, they are not. There are varying degrees of vegetarianism, and it is quite common for people to claim to be vegetarians when they ‘occasionally’ eat meat.

I personally know several people who describe themselves, with complete sincerity, as vegetarians, yet they openly admit that they get drunk once a month and have a big greasy meaty kebab on their way home from the pub! Or they are ‘vegetarian’ all week, then order a Chinese take away on Saturday night and enjoy tucking into sweet ‘n’ sour chicken! I know so-called vegetarians who treat themselves to a chicken vindaloo once a month then go back to being a vegetarian! These people actually laugh it off and they think they can wake up the next day, go back to their hummus and tofu and be a vegetarian again….until next time! Seriously?!?!? Read more

Myth busting – Part 1

This is the first instalment in a series of posts tackling persistent myths in the world of healthy eating, with a particular focus on the consumption of animal foods as a source of ill health and environmental destruction.shutterstock_159768692

It’s simply not true that eating animal foods causes ill health and environmental damage. However, intensive industrialised agriculture certainly causes environmental damage and leads to humans eating animal products that are less-than-optimal nutritionally.

The vast, overwhelming majority of research linking meat consumption to ill health fails to separate meat products from animals that have been raised in intensive, industrialised agricultural systems from meat products that come from animals raised humanely, naturally and sustainably.

I have written about this before, if this interests you please check the following posts:

This series of posts will now primarily look at the issue of whether or not it is healthier to be a vegetarian or a meat eater, and connections between modern agriculture and its impact on the environment.

Let’s start with…

Myth: Eating fat makes you fat

Truth: Eating more calories than you use makes you fat, whether those calories come from dietary fats, carbohydrates or anything else. Eating a broad, healthy, whole foods diet high in wholesome natural dietary fats does not make you fat. Eating a lot of processed foods and sugar will significantly contribute to making you store more body fat.

I’m starting with this one because this should be pretty easy for you MND’ers to grasp, this is old news to you now. Over the last 60 years, the diet industry has promoted low-fat as the way to go to lose weight and prevent heart disease. Sadly, after 60 years of this, we have an obesity epidemic spreading across the entire Western world, heart disease rates are higher than ever, and we’ve thrown in an international diabetes epidemic as an unexpected little bonus. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure stripping the fat out of everything and replacing it with added refined sugar and processed vegetable oils wasn’t the smartest way forward.

As I have already hammered this topic to death about a hundred times, I won’t go over it in too much detail again now, let’s just highlight the three key points:

  • A certain amount of body fat is good. Excess body fat can become unhealthy. Lots of your body is made up of fat – your brain is largely fat and water. Your nervous system is made up of lots of fat (and cholesterol). Many hormones are made up from lipids (fats) in your body, helping to regulate mood, sleep, sexual function and more. Fat keeps you warm and fat is a great place to store certain vitamins, minerals and hormones, that all help to keep you healthy. So don’t just hate fat!
  • Mother Nature designed dietary fat as a dense source of calories – calories are energy you can use, so eating dietary fat is a great way to consume lots of usable calories for energy (more on high fat diets below). Dietary fats include lots of lipids that help nourish and support these important functions in your body – hormone production, mood regulation, brain and nervous system function, heart function, joint function and more. Natural dietary fat is not bad. Natural fats – from olive oil to organ meats, from avocado to oily fish – can be part of a healthy human diet for everyone. Over-eating fat, like over-eating anything, can become a problem.
  • Animal fats are an [in my opinion] essential element of a well-balanced healthy human diet. We rose to prominence on this planet, between 7 million years ago and the beginning of the agricultural period around 10,000 years ago, by hunting and eating other animals. Saturated fat has always been a major component of the human diet. Over the last 60 years, as food companies pulled all the fat out of processed food, they realised that it left that food bland and tasteless, so they added processed refined sugar, refined vegetable oils and processed salt to create flavour – the end results of half-a-century of this are not good!


Meat Consumption and Cancer (WHO report and media frenzy)

This week, the media here in the UK (and elsewhere I guess) is awash with this latest ‘processed meat and cancer’ story. WHO cancer agency IARC (The International Agency for Research on Cancer) just published a report (October 2015) identifying associations between meat consumption and cancer. The media has, predictably, gone nuts over this story.

In my opinion, this is not news at all. This supports everything I say and every word MotherNaturesDiet stands for.

‘Processed’ is the key word here

The report mostly points a finger at processed meat, then less so at red meat in general.

Living the MotherNaturesDiet way, we say ‘avoid processed foods’. That’s Core Principle 3. If it has a barcode and a list of ingredients, don’t eat it. That stands here, for processed meat, too.

Just to be clear, this new report won’t be forcing me to make any changes to the MotherNaturesDiet recommended healthy lifestyle. I’ve been warning against processed meat for a long time.

In my opinion, any dietary advice generally around ‘red meat’ MUST be openly questioned.

As I often explain in my live seminars, before you eat an animal (or plant) you have to ask “What did that animal eat?”

If the animal was mistreated and eating grains, and worse (antibiotics, growth hormones, ash, cardboard, mashed up pig parts…etc.) then that animal will make meat that is not so good for you. But if the animal has lived a natural life, living outside (pasture raised, free range) eating grass (natural food for cows) and been treated properly, then the meat will be nutritious and good for you.

This is, of course, the logic behind Core Principle 8 – eat only organic, free range, pasture-raised, grass-fed meat.

So this WHO advisory makes ZERO different at all to MND.

For a long time, I have been asking the question: Read more

Why we have an obesity problem

Do you want to know why we have an obesity epidemic?

Because you can buy 5,496 calories for £14 - 24 cans of Strongbow cider, 440ml cans, 229 calories per can.

The calories in the Strongbow come from the sugars and of course the alcohol itself. Half comes from sugars, all of which you absorb and half comes from alcohol, all of which you don’t. (The metabolism of alcohol is a complex scientific process, but you could think of it as ‘half the alcohol is converted into a form of sugary energy your body uses, the other half just fucks up your liver.)

If you are a regular reader of my work, you will likely have read about how your body depletes small amounts of certain valuable micronutrients in order to process sugar. Quote “It requires some B vitamins (particularly vitamin B1 (thiamine), and B3 (niacin)), some vitamin C, and also calcium, and trace amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, chromium and sodium in order to absorb and use the energy provided by refined sugar” - read the full article here:

The Strongbow works out at a cost of £1.33 per litre. Without getting lost in the minutiae of scientific detail let’s say a litre weighs 1 kilo, which is close enough.
So this 24-pack of Strongbow costs £1.33 per kilo, and the whole pack weighs 10.5 kilos, and contains 5,496 calories, giving you 520 calories per kilo, calories which all come from sugar and alcohol. Read more

An introduction to MND!!

MND TV Episode 13 - An introduction to MND!!

I got to thinking, it’s about time I tell you who I am, what I do, and what MotherNaturesDiet is all about – so here it is!

Of course, if you are a regular reader, you may have already read My Story, so you’ll know much of this, but if you prefer to listen to video, instead of reading, then you can learn more about me and what MND is all about watching this video.

I must apologize for looking a mess! This was just after sunrise, early morning, I had just run 4 miles and done 300 push-ups, I needed a shave, needed a drink of water, needed a shower, I was sweaty, dirty, scruffy and I walked back 3.5 miles as I recorded this, so I am puffing and panting a bit up and down hills! Sorry I look such a mess. At least no one can say I put on some false image for you guys, dressing up and using camera filters and favourable lighting to look my best! Laughing! No, you get nothing like that with me…what you see here is about as bad as it gets!

See you again soon!


Raw or Cooked? MND TV Episode 9

Many health experts suggest that we should eat more raw food, and others suggest that our food should all be cooked.

In this video, ‘MND TV Episode 9 – raw food and cooked food’, I briefly explore this area for you, with - of course - my usual common sense simple approach. I think healthy living should be simple, don’t you? No sense in over-complicating things, in my opinion!

This video is a nice short easy one, only 14 or 15 minutes, and it follows the last 2 that I posted, to complete an hour of learning.

  • Episode 7 – all about fruit and fruit sugar
  • Episode 8 – all about juices and smoothies
  • Episode 9 – raw food and cooked food

Watch them all, and they all tie together quite nicely for the bigger picture!!

Enjoy! Stay healthy!

MND App is now available - hoorah!

For a long time, people have been asking me if I can deliver a daily motivational message to their phone, to help keep them on track, inspired and motivated to eat clean and exercise every day.

So, in response to those requests, we have developed the MND App, available now on iOS and Android - for free - and including a daily push message delivered at 7am every day straight to your phone.

App Store graphic

Download for iOS:


Download for Android:

The App includes lots of MND content - the 12 Core Principles, recipes, exercises, a chatroom to connect with other MND followers and much more.

Download it now and get involved!




A[nother] typical day eating the MND way!

MND packs in a lot - and I mean a LOT - of nutrients in a typical day, and I am asked every day for more meal ideas, recipes and meal plans. I know I have posted “a typical day of eating the MND way” before, but you keep asking for more, so here is another!


Eggs and greens, the MND stock favourite breakfast. There are so many things you can do, this is never the same any two days, it always comes out different. It only takes 5 minutes, it’s simple, tasty and nutritious. The greens are not cooked to oblivion, they are only in the pan for 4 or 5 minutes at most, just enough to warm then up and soften them a little. In those 4 minutes, spinach will cook completely, but broccoli will remain almost raw.

MND Eggs and Greens Eggs n greens


Mid-morning I usually snack on a white grapefruit. Sometimes I will also nibble a few almonds during the day if I am hungry.


I’m giving you two lunches from the last week here.

First we have a chicken-and-greens stir fry. Please don’t ask for a recipe, I don’t know, I just throw it all in! Really, no plan, just cook! MND cooking is so simple, and that’s why no two meals ever come out the same.

I soften a teaspoon of dripping in my pan, dice up some chicken and throw it in, brown off the meat, then chop up and throw in as many veggies as I can lay my hands on!

I stir-fry it all around for a few minutes - again, we don’t wanna nuke those veggies, just warm them up, soften the stalks, make it a hot meal for a cold winter’s day, that’s all - and then season with fresh herbs or spices.

It’s all super simple stuff cooking the MND way!

Another day I was short of time and had to go out. I made a smoothie - 2 bananas, 1 whole avocado, some water and an entire bag of spinach. I got this glass full to drink at home, and as much again in a flask which I took out with me for an afternoon snack.

Green smoothieBoom! Tasty and filling without having to find the time to sit and eat a full meal.


Skipping meals:

As an aside, there have been a couple of days over the last week when I was just way too busy to eat 3 meals. One day I was too busy for lunch AND out in the evening, so I just had a huge eggs and greens breakfast (I mean huge, we’re talking a whole head of broccoli, cabbage, half a bag of kale, half a bag of spinach, some mushrooms and 7 large free range eggs!) and then snacked throughout the day on 2 apples, 1 grapefruit and a small bag of mixed nuts. That was it, all day.

Another day, I was out running for an hour in the morning and then ran out of time for breakfast, so had a grapefruit and that was it. I had a large lunch of meat and greens, then I was away that evening, travelling and in late meetings, so I skipped dinner and just had an apple mid-evening while driving and a couple of handfuls of mixed nuts late before bed.

When your body is free from the “sugar-insulin-roller-coaster” and you use stored body fat as your primary source of fuel for energy, then you don’t always need 3 set meals per day at set meal times. I just eat when I have time and when I feel hungry, not when my watch (I don’t wear one!) tells me to eat!



Finally, here are two dinners for you, from the last week.

We have a real ‘meat feast’ first - I made a chili using pigs livers, pigs kidneys and some prime pork tenderloin, all cooked up with tomatoes, red pepper, mushrooms, chili, cumin, paprika and pepper, and served with lashings of fresh steamed veggies on the side. This meals packs more fresh whole food nutrition than most “normal2 people eat in a week - in one meal!

I have one thing to say about this meal - Boom!!! Have it!

Finally, another evening last week I knocked up a run-of-the-mill chicken and veggies dinner. I roast chicken portions in the oven, steam my veggies, then chop it all up and mix together.

Some times I make this as a stir-fry, sometimes in the oven. If I want my veggies crunchy then I tend to stir fry them quickly…if I want my chicken moist and tender, I tend to over bake it. If I am doing mountains of veg for lots of people, I’ll steam my veggies.

No two days are ever the same!

Get in!

Pack in those nutrients folks! 15 to 20 servings of vegetables and fruit every day, nutrient-dense organ meats, pastured meat, fresh whole food, it’s not hard! Every day, add 2 or 4 litres of water too, that’s the way we MND it!

Get cooking! Enjoy, see you!
Karl x






Healthy living the MND way is SO easy!!

IMG_3523Living the healthy MND way is really very easy.

Wake up.




Drink a glass of water.

Go for a brisk short walk.

Enjoy a healthy breakfast - remember the MND food rules: no processed food, just eat real food, that’s plants and animals.


I like eggs with greens for my breakfast, it only takes 5 minutes!

At some point in the day, try to get a work out. Maybe you will go for a bike ride or a swim or a run…

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Or another day, maybe you’ll lift weights, or use your own bodyweight to workout and load your muscles…


Make sure you eat whole, fresh, real food for lunch… IMG_6439

…like this picture of liver, kidneys and greens.


During your day, make sure you drink plenty of fresh clean water.


Make sure you go outside at some point and get some fresh air.


Ensure you take time for your friends and family, hug someone, share some love.


Eat a wholesome light dinner, again, just eat real, whole, fresh food, shutterstock_143497294
nothing processed with a long list of ingredients that sounds like a chemistry class.


Take some time to rest, and get plenty of sleep.


There, who said healthy living needed to be complicated?

MotherNaturesDiet - because nutrition doesn’t need to become rocket science.

MND for better living.

Packing in my green veggies!!!

Almost every day, I am asked how I manage to get an average of 17 portions of vegetables and fruit per day into my all-natural, nutrient-dense diet. I eat between 10 and 20 servings of veg EVERY day, averaging out in a typical week to 14 or 15 vegetables per day, plus 2 or 3 pieces of fruit per day.

Look at these meals -


- eggs and greens, loaded with broccoli, rainbow chard, kale, dandelion greens and spinach. Read more

The drugs don’t work and you can’t trust the media!

This is important.


It you have ever been prescribed statins, or if someone you love is taking statins, you DEFINITELY need to invest half an hour of your day into reading this post and watching this important and educational video.

This is a fascinating watch, well worth 18 minutes of your life.

I posted a slightly controversial post on our very active MND Facebook page the other day, in a nutshell I was saying “We seem to have more medical science and nutrition knowledge and qualified experts than ever these days, yet in general the whole of society is fatter and sicker than they have ever been before. Are we getting lost in the detail, buried in science, digging too deep and missing the bigger picture? Is all that science being hijacked by companies trying to sell us stuff, supplements, compression clothing, training programs and exercise equipment? Maybe all we need is to get back to nature, use some common sense, live more naturally and shun some of the endless modern inventions.” I have spoken extensively about this here: That was the thrust of my post - but it’s a highly relevant thought to keep in your mind as you watch this video and read this post.

Now watch this video

Truth That Lasts: David Newman at TEDxColumbiaEngineering:

The first 6 minutes Dr Newman explains how “scientific research” showing truly miniscule results, really imperceptible results that actually aren’t results at all, ends up reported in the popular media as “fact” which is “proven by science” and people believe it and spend years basing their behaviour on these reported facts. Read more

Eating the MND way every day - 17-a-day average!

Some days, actually pretty much every day, I am asked what I eat.

I eat an EXTREMELY nutritious diet, and this is important.

I have written about this, and it would be WELL WORTH you taking some time to read these links in this post, as this is fundamental to what MND is all about.

See, I don’t want an ‘average’ life, I want an exceptional life, so I don’t want to eat an ‘average’ diet, I want to nourish my body with exceptional nutrition. I don’t want to die at an ‘average’ age, I want to live to an exceptional age. I don’t want ‘average’ levels of energy, I want exceptional levels of energy. I don’t want to have the body of an ‘average’ 45 year old looking back at me in the mirror next year, I want to have an exceptional physique for a 45 year old. I don’t want to ‘show up’ in my career, my relationships or my sports at an ‘average’ level, I want to be freakin’ exceptional in every way that I can be. Maybe I’m an arrogant prick with lofty ideas, but if so, then to hell with it, that’s who I am, follow me or go read some other blog, ‘cos this is who I am and this is what I want and this is what MND is all about - you either ‘get it’ and like it, or you don’t.

I believe that packing my body with super-nutrition will help me achieve my goals…it’s certainly been serving me very well for the last few years. I have written about some of the advantages - as I see them - of this lifestyle, try reading these:

7-a-day offers health benefits and protection from cancer. Eat the MND way and get 17-a-day
- it’s long, I don’t care, it’s bloody good stuff, I urge you to find the time to read it and share it with everyone you care about!

And this - How eating an extremely nutrient rich diet can help you resist the signs of ageing

Another long one, sorry peeps: Are all calories created equal? - you need to read and understand this post, there is NO ROOM for “empty” calories in my diet. I want every gram of food I eat to offer me something, FUEL MY FIRE for LIVING, I don’t have the spare energy to eat crap that slows me down, I’m a man on a mission in life and every scrap I eat has to feed my body to do everything I want it to do - if those calories ain’t packing nourishment, I ain’t eating them!

And finally - It’s not just about weight loss!!! Skinny people die too!

So I thought I would post up just what I eat to pack in that AVERAGE of 17 servings of vegetables (and some fruit) every day.

Breakfast - eggs and greens. That’s 5 eggs, and then there is broccoli, kale, dandelions, spinach - more greens than eggs!

Lunch - turkey (free range) and lashings of veggies (including some deliciously sweet yellow courgette that my big sister grew in her allotment - delicious, thanks Sis, way tastier than supermarket courgettes!) (sorry, no idea why WordPress has put that image up on end like that!)

Dinner - MND home made kidney and steak and veggies. This is a kinda whacky MND version of steak and kidney pie…only we don’t eat pie, so we use veggies as carbs instead of pie casings! Otherwise, it’s just lambs kidneys, some tasty steak, loads of veggies and some herbs.

And if it’s warm weather and I don’t want 3 cooked meals in one day, maybe I’ll have a salad - when I make salad, I forage leaves from my garden, dandelions from up the lane, and my salad looks like art on a plate. I love a big salad!

During the day, I will eat 1 whole white grapefruit, and probably 1 apple.

THAT, is how you get 17 portions of mostly vegetables in you in 1 day, EVERY DAY, and enjoy your food.

If you want to know what a ‘portion’ is, you can download booklets and wallcharts here -

MND is not “just another paleo diet” - if you know my story then you’ll know I was paleo 3 or 4 years ago, but I found the paleo movement getting all bent out of shape by too many people who think it’s just an excuse to eat their own body weight in bacon every day and lift heavy things. When they start making “paleo chocolate muffins” I moved on…caveman didn’t eat bloody chocolate muffins!!!

See my thoughts on the paleo diet here - Paleo-Reality Part 1: What’s right and wrong about paleo diets.

MND - fuel for inspired living.

Who’s with me?


Two steps forward, one step back


If you were going for a 6-mile run, but you took 2 steps forward, then 1 step back, you’d have to run 9 miles to finish the original distance. 50% more. Right?

Wrong. Think of it this way, if you ran the whole 6 miles forwards (that’s 2 steps forward), then “1 step back” you would have to run 3 miles back again, then you would have to run the second half again to get to the finish, so that is 6+3+3 = 12 miles. 100% more! Double!

BUT, if you really ran 2 steps forward, then 1 step back, all the way, all those little “switchbacks” compound on one another.

2 steps forward, 1 step back

Look at the picture…you go 2 “steps” (little upright bars in this picture) forward, then back a bar, then forward 2, then back a bar. If you just ran in a straight line, this run (20 steps) would be over in 20 steps, but by going 2 steps forward and 1 step back, it takes a staggering 56 steps in total to run the whole 20-step distance!!!

Can you see that?

So it would take 56 miles to run a 20 mile race! That’s a massive 280% more total running!!!

NOW pay attention - this is the important bit, this is what this post is about: - 2 steps forward and 1 step back - this is what people do with their LIVES.

I meet people every day, that want to lose weight, they tell me that they are “good” Monday through til Friday afternoon (2 steps forward), then they “party” from 5 or 6 pm on Friday til they go to bed on Sunday night (1 step back).

NOW do you see why I was going at the maths lesson and my funny little Excel table? Read more

Why do so many people pay for “6-pack abs secrets”?

The other night, I sat up for hours researching a number of topics, as I often do in the evenings.

I found myself side tracked into reading a ‘marketing case study’ about a guy who sells a series of products online (eBooks, home study courses, CDs, etc.) aimed at “Revealing the true secrets to 6-pack abs” - not the real title, I’m hiding the true identity here to keep my opinion ‘not personal’ - as what I have to say could apply to a number of these online schemes and product offerings.

Anyway, so it all starts with eBooks that promise to reveal the truth about 6-pack abs, and they lead people to buy other products, and so on. But the reason this guy and his products were being written up as a ‘marketing case study’ is because this 1 man and his small team of staff, is making over $1 million USD per month in sales of these products!!! Wow! I’ve sold some online product myself over the years, but nothing close to a million Dollars a month, that is AMAZING!

So I read more, genuinely interested in learning about this case study, and the author of the case study was saying “Abs products really sell, people buy this stuff like crazy”, especially in the US market where this man and his team are based. And I got to thinking, there is a real twisted irony there - the nation that is regarded “the fattest nation on Earth” where now fully two thirds of the population are either overweight or obese, and they are buying up home study books and CDs promising 6-pack abs at an incredible rate! It seems the mathematician in me wants to plot a graph to show “the inverse relationship between buying 6-pack abs products and actually achieving 6-pack abs!”

Read more

Nutrition supplements for kids who are ‘fussy eaters’

I’ve heard a lot of people unhappy about these damn nutrition shakes for kids who are ‘fussy eaters’ lately.

Kids have been fussy over veggies for a long time…since we in the wealthy world had enough choice and plenitude that we COULD afford to be fussy, AND since refined sugar and salt was added to all the processed food out there (including baby foods and formula milk, sorry to say) teaching kids to have a ‘liking for sweet foods’ (otherwise known as a “sweet tooth”) within weeks of weaning off the breast.

The answer to ‘fussy eater’ kids is not to let them eat crap and then ‘top off’ their diet with some powdered processed shake from the local drug store.

The answer is to LEAD BY EXAMPLE like a good parent, and just eat real food, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, eggs, nuts and seeds, and MAKE the TIME to cook real family meals made from fresh whole foods. If you offer vegetables every day, and if your kids understand that dessert is a weekend-only treat, that is only earned once the meat and vegetables are eaten, then in time, those little fussy eaters WILL eat their vegetables.

Offer vegetables early and often to fussy toddlers, study says:

This article refers to a study of kids below 24 months of age, but in my personal experience you can change the diet of children any age. 3 years ago I lost my temper with my kids over fussy eating one evening on holiday in a restaurant when they all fussed over literally everything that was put on our table…it was the straw the broke the camels back and I dug my heels in and put a stop to a fussy eating problem that had been building for a long time. Since then, I have worked hard for 3 years to improve the way my kids eat, and it brings joy to my heart now when we sit down as a family and I see them tuck in to a pile of fresh vegetables with a hearty Sunday roast. feed the kids

They are still a way from perfect, and they still enjoy their ‘treats’, but my kids eat real fresh vegetables in one form or another almost every single day, a huge improvement from 3 years ago.

In my opinion, overcoming ‘fussy eating’ in kids takes pretty much the same good parenting skills that apply to most other aspects of raising well-balanced children: It all comes down to putting in effort, giving up your time and leading by example, the solutions are not found by buying some convenience product or blaming the government or the cost of living.

I’m sure this post will ruffle a few feathers…it’s my personal opinion, and I know all our lives and experiences are different, so this is written with all due respect and I welcome intelligent discussion!


Mothering the Human Race

What is this post about?

If you want to know what MND is all about…this is it. This is fundamentally important.

We, all of us, used to be fed, nourished, by the mother figure in our household. Now we are all-too-often fed by Food Companies.

Our mothers care deeply for our good health. Food companies care about making a profit.

Food companies are not ‘educated’ in healthcare, nor motivated by the health and longevity of their customers.

This change in the structure of our society is at the root of much of what has gone wrong, in my opinion, this is a fundamental cause of the obesity epidemic and rising rates of poor health.

This topic has come up a few times over the last week or two, so I thought I should address it today.

The shift to microwave meals

I was writing about this the other day, there has been a massive cultural shift over the last 40 or 50 years, since the liberated times of the ’60s really, and the boom in consumer electronics in the ‘70s, we’ve seen the rise of convenience foods, the rise of sexual equality, the advent of the microwave and now the rise of the Internet…these trends have shifted women from the home to the work place (no sexism here, I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, just that it has happened) and we have left “feeding our families” to food companies.

We’ve seen a massive decline in home baking, in the art of real cooking, growing our own food, baking bread, preparing sauces, meats, roasts, pies and pastries…and we have seen a MASSIVE rise in pre-prepared meals, packaged foods, convenience foods. As we watch more celebrity chefs on TV, we seem less capable as a nation of preparing our own fresh, basic, healthy meals. We had the advent of microwave ovens, programmable cookers, it’s all led to less “motherly involvement” in cooking, and more “relying on food companies” to feed our families, our children.

The rise of the Internet, coincides with going from the 3 TV channels I grew up with, to the 600 available now, and the rise of “dial for a take away” and pizza delivered by moped. Now people are too busy online to cook. Every day people tell me they don’t have time to cook - they tell me this on Facebook, where they seem to spend several HOURS per day. They say they can’t afford organic food - but they CAN afford broadband and a smartphone. Read more

I’m not fat, so I can eat what I like! My food choices don’t affect my health!! (And other bullsh*t beliefs!)

Forgive me going off on a bit of a rant today, but I was just having this conversation with a friend and I thought I would share this with you, as it’s a relevant ‘case study’ and applies to loads of people.

What is this post about?

  • There are a LOT of people around who are not over weight, so they take an ‘I can eat whatever rubbish I like’ attitude to their diet
  • This is deep-held belief that people have, that if they are not grossly over weight, then there is no further connection between diet and health
  • Last time I checked the scientific literature, slim people still get sick. Slim people still suffer coughs, colds, flu. Slim people still suffer chronic fatigue, tiredness, skin conditions and bowel conditions. Slim people still get heart disease. Slim people still get cancer. Slim people still die! Last time I spoke to one of my Doctor friends, I don’t recall “Not being over weight” as a cure-all solution to living forever and never getting ill.

Conclusions in this post:

  • There are many factors involved in whether or not you are over weight
  • Body fat serves numerous function in your body, some of them are involved in keeping you healthy
  • Eating a diet high in junk food affects your health in many ways above and beyond whether or not you carry excess body fat

Read on to learn more.

I’m not fat, so I can eat what I like! My food choices don’t affect my health!!

I hear this one a LOT. I could write an entire book (seriously, 100,000 words, 200 pages, no problem!) just tackling this myth and all the threads and sub-topics that come off this. In the interests of time and sanity, I will try to keep this post brief, as you and I don’t have time for a whole book today! Read more

Are you really hungry…or are you just bored?

Next time you buy convenience food - like dropping in to the shop at a petrol station to buy a packet of crisps (that’s potato chips, to our American friends) or a chocolate bar - because you say you’re ‘starving hungry’ and you really must eat something…think again, are you REALLY hungry?

Your body is designed to function through times when food is abundant, and times when there is nothing. A healthy body that is fuelled by real, natural, whole food, can skip a meal from time to time without a problem. Personally, when I get busy, I often skip meals.

Don’t ‘think’ you need to eat just because the clock says it’s lunchtime, don’t think that you need to eat every 4 hours or you will run out of energy.

This popular post about encouraging your body to metabolise body fat for energy, instead of feeding your body cheap carbohydrates every few hours, explains how your body can use fat as fuel.

Don’t be a ‘cheap sugar machine’. Fuel your body with real whole foods for more even energy levels. Re-think what hungry really feels like.

There are some truly unfortunate people in our world who really know what hunger is, and the rest of us need to keep things in perspective. It’s fine to enjoy food when we gather with our friends and families to socialise and celebrate, but don’t get wrapped up in celebrating food itself every day. Food should not be your hobby nor your highlight 7 days each week. Keep things in healthy perspective.

Orthorexic control freaks…and other symptoms of quitting sugar

What is this post about?

  • A lady quit sugar for one year, and wrote a book about it
  • A reviewer slated her behaviour as orthorexic and obsessive!
  • That same reviewer, on other days, writes recipes for biscuits and pizza

Main conclusions:

  • In my opinion, they are both trying to sell stories to their readers, when they should focus on natural healthy living
  • MND circumvents all this bullshit, and just get’s on with abundant healthy living


Read on to learn more.

So a lady wrote a book “Year of No Sugar” which seems pretty sensible to me - for MND I preach ‘no sugar’ for life, so one year seems like a good starting point.

She seems like a nice and genuine lady, you can visit her blog here.

However, the book received this utter slating of a book review, titled ‘Year of No Sugar Reads Like a How-To Manual for an Eating Disorder’ - frankly, harsh! Read more

Are all calories created equal?

As I wrote yesterday, to help you get through my long posts, from now on I will put bullet points at the start, telling you in brief what the post is about, and in brief, the main conclusions or points that I come to.

This way, if you are short of time, you can read the bullet points, which only takes 30 seconds, and it should tell you the essence of the post – if it sounds interesting, you will find the 5 minutes you need to read the whole thing, but otherwise, the bullet points tell you enough to get the main idea.

I will try to remember to summarize all future posts this way. I hope this is helpful!

What is this post about?

  • So-called ‘flexible eating’ seems to be the latest popular diet fad
  • The idea is that you can eat pretty much whatever you like, providing you still burn more calories than you eat, so you don’t get fat
  • Here at MND HQ, I think that is downright wrong, and down right ignorant
  • This post looks at the main arguments, between ‘flexible eating’ - “a calorie is a calorie”, and ‘clean eating’ - “all calories are not created equal”

Main conclusions:

  • In my opinion, all calories are NOT created equal
  • Many factors affect your body’s absorption of the calories you consume, and the speed of that absorption, and the chemical make-up of those calories, affect HOW your body absorbs those calories
  • In my opinion, this ‘flexible eating’ is just the latest modern version od calorie counting

Read on to learn more.

Paleo diet, flexible dieting and clean eating

In 2013, the most searched for ‘diet’ online was the Paleo diet. In 2014, I am seeing a rising trend in ‘flexible dieting’ or ‘flexible eating’.

I’m very active in a number of online discussion groups, and in one of those online groups, the subject of flexible dieting comes up as a regular topic. It’s an area I have been looking at for some time now.

The main point of the flexible dieting fraternity is “a calorie is a calorie” and you can eat roughly what you like providing you stay in caloric deficit, then you won’t get fat. They do ‘mostly’ suggest you eat ‘mostly’ good real foods, but there are many proponents of flexible dieting out there suggesting you can eat pizza, chips, ice cream, chocolate bars, white bread, cake and more on a regular basis, daily indeed, providing you stay in caloric deficit - I.E. you burn more calories that you eat. I’m not a fan of this way of thinking, as you know. Read more

Why it’s important to be a balanced, big picture thinker

I know I often write long posts, and you might not have time to read them. So I will put bullet points at the start, telling you in brief what the post is about, and in brief, the main conclusions or points that I come to.

This way, if you are short of time, you can read the bullet points, which only takes 30 seconds, and it should tell you the essence of the post - if it sounds interesting, you will find the 5 minutes you need to read the whole thing, but otherwise, the bullet points tell you enough to get the main idea.

I will try to remember to summarize all future posts this way. I hope this is helpful!

What is this post about?

  • Some people are obsessed with clean eating, while the rest of their life is in a mess!
  • Some people are obsessed with weight training or a certain sport, but pay little attention to good diet
  • Some people eat well and exercise, but the allow other areas of life to stress them out, having a negative impact on their lives
  • Some people do so much endurance sport they never allow time for recovery - and an excess of almost anything can become unhealthy eventually
  • I meet a lot of folks who put in killer workouts and intense training sessions, but then they are ill with colds and flu every few weeks

Main conclusions:

  • You have to be a big picture thinker
  • Take a holistic approach to optimal good health
  • Balance is essential - train with weights, train aerobically, have heavy days, and easy days, eat well, de-stress and look to ensure there is happiness in your life…all these areas are equally important

Read on to learn more.

You have to look at the bigger picture

I see lots of people fixated on just food or just exercise, but I fear they are failing to look at the bigger picture. Supreme good health and abundant energy does not come from putting ALL your attention on just one thing, you have to think holistically.

I often meet people who obsess over ‘pure clean eating’, they are fanatical about eating raw, organic, vegan, local, seasonal and only grown in countries that ban GMO crops. They know a million reasons why you mustn’t cook with a certain oil, because heating it produces some ghastly carcinogenic chemicals, they will tell you that it’s like cooking your dinner in toxic waste! They will tell you everything there is to know about sprouting beans, fermenting vegetables, home made sour dough bread and the nutrient profile of certain seeds. Read more

How eating an extremely nutrient rich diet can help you resist the signs of ageing

I’m putting my opinion and belief out there today. I’m stretching the ‘100% proven’ science a bit here, piecing together facts and theories. Why? Because I believe I’m right, and I think there is value to you in sharing these thoughts.

WHY is nutrient dense food important?

This is an important point that so many people - particularly YOUNG people - overlook. JUST having enough of a certain micronutrient to sustain function is one thing, but having enough LEFT OVER for non-essential jobs inside your body, that’s another thing altogether.

Now, if you are a qualified nutritionist or doctor, just bare with me for a moment, I’m going to massively over-simplify the world of nutrition here for a moment…you won’t like it, but stick with it and you can comment at the bottom if you think I’m wrong.

So there are these RDA’s - Recommended Daily Amounts - of vitamins and minerals. It is suggested that we take these amounts in order to maintain energy, combat disease and stay generally healthy.

Now let’s just take 1 micronutrient, say, Vitamin A (A seems like a good place to start!). Vitamin A does a massive amount of things inside your body - among them, there is thyroid function, skin growth, eye function, protein synthesis, immune system function, calcium assimilation (for bone growth) and much more. Read more

Is the food we eat today, nutrient depleted?

Should we take vitamin and mineral supplements?

I was asked the other day, if we are eating fruits and vegetables from depleted soil, and therefore they do not contain enough vitamins and minerals, and therefore should we all be taking a daily multi-vitamin/mineral complex as a supplement?

If you read my blogs on this site on a regular basis, then you will know that I am broadly against taking dietary supplements, I just think that the majority of people, the majority of the time, don’t need them.

To be clear, there are times when supplements play an important role, particular when someone is deficient or ill, then supplements can be used to restore good health. Often supplements are a “useful tool” in repairing a damaged body. If there is a problem, supplements can help enable or support one function or process, in order to support growth or repair in another function, process or system.

So supplements have a place and many nutritional therapists and other practitioners correctly use supplements to fix deficiencies and restore normal function. Read more

Carb Blocking Pills - another chemical abomination of the diet industry

I was in Boots the chemist a few days ago, and I saw this garbage on the shelf.

It absolutely breaks my heart to see this in the UK’s best known high street pharmacy - where ‘Joe Public’ places his trust.

So the idea is, rather than educating people to just eat real food, we let them carry on chomping processed grains, but then they take a “carb control” tablet to help their body NOT to absorb the carbs, to help them poop out the undigested foods instead? Oh my Lord that’s so screwed up. 

It physical hurts me inside, I find this chemistry-class bullshit so offensive that it actually makes me ache to my core, I want to scream and shout. 

EVERYTHING about this is wrong. The way for ALL OF US to enjoy fantastic abundant good health, is to go in the polar opposite direction to this ‘nutritional madness’ way of thinking. 

I could rant for hours about this stuff, it makes me so mad. If someone can’t stop munching ‘carbs’ to the point that they know they are harming their own health then they need to address the underlying psychological issues, not take more pills.

Authority figures 

Members of the general public PLACE THEIR TRUST in “perceived authority figures”. This is an important point. 

Imagine our anonymous person, Joe Public, he is overweight, unhealthy, middle aged, confused. He has spent years trying to lose weight, yo-yo dieting, but ‘nothing seems to work’. He looks around and sees all these diet books and self-proclaimed experts (people like me, perhaps!), he will see the Doctor saying one thing, the Pharmacist saying another, this diet book says low fat, that diet book says low carb, this online expert says get more exercise, that nutritional advisor says eat more fruit - these conflicting opinions go on and on, and the poor guy (or gal) ends up feeling lost and confused. Out of that confusion, MOST people chose to place their TRUST in the figures they perceive as respected, ‘legally recognised and respected’ authorities. They tend to TRUST the Doctors, and big companies like food companies and drug companies and Boots the chemist. Because these are established legal entities, his brain says “Well they wouldn’t be allowed to sell this stuff unless it was good for us” and that’s who he decides to trust. 

But here is the problem:

  • The Doctors are not trained in nutrition. They are not actually trained in HEALTH they are trained to TREAT DISEASE and INJURY - there is a big difference. They are trained to treat and relieve symptoms
  • The Food companies “wouldn’t be allowed to sell that stuff if it was bad for us” - errr, hello, companies still sell cigarettes? Right, that’s flawed logic - much of the food in our supermarkets is garbage, but ‘they’ are legally allowed to make it, promote it and sell it
  • The drug companies - they are in it to treat symptoms and make money. They are not in the “Healthy” business, they are in the making money business. If no one got sick any more, there would be no business for them. I’m not saying that I believe the whole conspiracy theory idea that ‘they’ have the cures for all ills but they are holding back on us in the name of profit. IF a drug company came out with a ‘miracle cure pill’ tomorrow that could reduce and eliminate 90% of cancer tumours, they would patent that drug and make trillions for the next 25 years - if they had it, they would do it. BUT, if the ‘cure’ was to help people not get cancer in the first place, just through natural healthy living…well, then they wouldn’t be so keen to promote that would they, as that is not something they could patent. I think it’s a case of ‘Drug companies are not in the business of stopping illness from occurring in the first place, they are in the business of selling pills to treat symptoms of illness.’


So Joe Public places his trust in health care professionals and big corporations, because among all the ‘noise’ and people like me (who am I? Who is MND, just another guy ranting online…not ‘qualified’ to tell anyone what to do…) he doesn’t know who else to trust. More books, articles and blog posts come online every single day than anyone could possibly read, so among the mass of conflict and confusion, people place their trust in the ‘perceived authority figures’. 

And companies like Boots the Chemist are the kind of company that the public trusts. Boots has been on Britain’s High Streets for 50 years or more, longer than anyone can remember - it is a 150 year old company. Flawed logic says “if they have been around that long, they must be good guys, I can trust them”. 

It’s actually quite hard to write about this publicly without looking like I’ve jumped on “the conspiracy theory bandwagon”. I don’t think there is a ‘big evil man in a black suit with a bald head and a diamond encrusted eye patch, with scars on his face and stroking a white cat planning the end of mankind’ - I don’t think these food companies and drug companies are inherently evil and laughing at ‘our’ demise as we all get fat and sick and die young. It really isn’t like that. I think it’s the system, it is flawed from the outset, there is no commercial connection between the National Health Service, the food companies and the drug companies. Unless government (the ultimate high level power that we place our trust in, right?) do something to instigate change, then the system is likely to remain broken. Because all these entities are operating alone - there is no mechanism that connects them.

If government was a bit more forward thinking, they would see that the tax dollars they are getting from the sale of sugar and junk food and diet pills, is a drop in the ocean compared to the rapidly booming cost of treating a nation of obese unhealthy ageing people. The NHS is set to collapse under it’s own lack of funding in the next 20 or 30 years, IN OUR LIFE TIMES, causing dramatic problems for OUR old age, and our children and grand children.

BUT if we could get people educated how to be healthy from the start - so they don’t need pills, powders, potions, so they don’t get obese and ill, then we could reduce the future burden. It needs someone directing national policy to understand that the sale of processed foods laden with salt, refined sugar and processed oils, is making the population sick. If they then used tax mechanisms to promote healthy food choices (tax breaks for organic farmers, tax BURDENS on the advertising of foods with added refined sugar) and if the NHS allocated some budget to national education, then we might make some progress on these problems. It’s all about fixing the cause, not waiting to try to patch up the effect.

The 12 Core Principles of MotherNaturesDiet are a 90% fix for 90% of problems for 90% of people. Not 100%, I don’t suggest this is a cure-all, it’s a way to live to be healthy, not a “can fix all ills” solution for people who are already sick - they need individualised attention to fix individual problems. But MND is a healthy natural lifestyle, it’s an abundant healthy way to live to stop people getting sick in the first place.

I shall continue ranting til the cow comes home, til people listen! I’m on a mission!!!!

Back to the carb blockers

So that is why it breaks my heart when I see this company selling ‘carb blocker’ pills on the shelf next to SlimFast garbage. I am afraid we have ended up in a world where people are being treated as UTTERLY STUPID. “They” have made “us” believe that health is a great, vast, mystical, complex problem, and you need their help to sort it out - ‘they’ now sell magazines to teach you how to ‘walk quickly’??? Really - 

“They” would have YOU believe that you NEED to spend your MONEY (folks, sadly, it ALL comes down to money) on a magazine about walking, on carb blockers, slimming powders, fat blocking pills, meal replacement shakes, expensive lycra clothing and minimalist running shoes that seem to cost more for less materials than normal shoes? How figure?  Pills prices

Just look at the prices of these pills. Remember - this is a product you are expected to pay for, to eat AS WELL AS the food you pay for, this is not instead of, but on top of, your food. So these tablets, that contain a type of sugar, maltodextrin, that are designed to stop you absorbing sugar…and they cost 30 quid for a small box. What’s that work out at pound-for-pound? The shelf labelling says they are 42pence per tablet. The tablets weight less than 1 gram each. So let’s just say 1 gram, and I’m being generous. That means this product costs £420 pounds per KILO!!!!

Organic broccoli in Waitrose is £4:14 per kilo.

Go figure which is best for you!!!!!!!!!!

People are being ripped off in a way that offends me to my very core!!!!

One MND follower told me that the waste which comes out of you, if you use these tablets, it thick black, runny, stinky and disgusting. I have no knowledge of that myself, but I do not like to think of what these chemical concoctions do inside your digestive system. You want to know why I call this ‘nutritional madness’? These pills are designed to stop your body from absorbing carbs - carbs, once they get down into your intestines, are forms of sugar. Look at the ingredients. Basically, the tablets are made up of some proprietary blend of glycoproteins (that’s proteins with sugars chemically added?), and an anti-foaming agent, to stop you bloating and farting like crazy. Then they contain a bunch of compounds that are hard to pronounce, including maltodextrin (a carb) and something that says cellulose (starchy carbs you can’t digest) and some silicon, salt and talc. Sounds delightful.

carb control

It makes me sick. I believe that “an overwhelming majority” of the entire health, wellness, diet, slimming, beauty industry is a TOTAL RIP OFF. Companies charging a fortune for powdered supplements - 

I may be an unqualified heretic, a quack, a charlatan, whatever the people making these tablets would call me, but the point is, MND is the best way to live for supreme good health - no pills, no powders, no bullshit. 

Pills are not the answer!! -

They should print health warnings on junk food - Health warnings on foods containing sugar and artificial additives

SlimFast and other Meal Replacement Drinks – the Bad, The Worse and The Plain Ugly

MND - plain common sense.

Just eat real food, move your body, spend more time outside, get sunshine and fresh air, drink more water. Good health can be so simple.


Eating the most nutritious meat…but on the smallest budget

This is a fantastic lunch recipe, super nutritious and very tasty. Please see pictured lambs kidneys and lots of green veggies - yum yum! This meal contains 250 grams of lambs kidneys, lots of green veggies – organic broccoli, cabbage, green pepper, tomatoes, mushrooms and spinach, and an assortment of spices – coriander, cumin, paprika, black pepper and chilli flakes.


Lean white skinless boneless chicken breasts

For most of the last 40 or 50 years we’ve been told that fat is bad, especially saturated fat from animal sources, and we should all eat a lean low-fat diet. This has resulted (at least here in the UK) in an obsession with skinless lean filleted chicken breast. People have been educated to ‘obsession point’ that fat is bad and even the skin or the ‘brown’ thigh meat is considered too high in fat. This has led to a scenario you are probably familiar with, stories of ‘abused broiler chickens’ - chickens bred for the size of their breasts. I am sure you have heard about the speed of their growth, how they live in cramped smelly barns and their bodies grow so fast their legs can buckle beneath them.

While European countries generally maintain better standards of animal husbandry than in the US, these issues are still a huge concern. They certainly bother me. Read more

7-a-day offers health benefits and protection from cancer. Eat the MND way and get 17-a-day

Earlier this week, there was a lot of noise in the press concerning news released by University College London (UCL) about a study they conducted, the findings of which suggest that the UK guidelines for eating fruit and vegetables should be raised from 5-a-day to 7-a-day. I am sure you have heard about this in the press, so I just thought I would share a few of my MND thoughts with you.

Summary of this post:

  • Eating much more veg could CUT a QUARTER of all CANCER deaths
  • Vegetables are much more beneficial than fruit
  • The UK government should subsidise organic vegetables through tax breaks, and add tax on to sugar and junk food
  • MotherNaturesDiet offers ALL the benefits you need – lots of vegetables and good protection from cancer and heart disease
  • I personally eat an average of 17 per day, if you follow MND in full, you should too

Firstly, there seems to have been a lot of resistance to this new proposal, many members of the public complaining that they don’t like this idea. I find such resistance strange – I mean, why don’t people want to know how to be healthier, not get sick, and live longer? I would welcome any advice in those areas, not reject it. The results from the report conclude: Quote “Eating seven or more portions reduces the specific risks of death by cancer and heart disease by 25% and 31% respectively. The research also showed that vegetables have significantly higher health benefits than fruit.”

WOW, just WOW. I don’t see any reason why people are not leaping up and down with untold joy at this information. Cancer and heart disease are the two biggest killers in our society. Cancer is an utter scourge on humanity, it wrecks lives and hurts us all, we all know someone, we’ve all lost someone we love to cancer. And here, research proves almost beyond question, that ensuring you eat lots of vegetables is one way to STOP a QUARTER of all cancer deaths. HOLY SHIT BALLS. You know how “Cure cancer” is one of the great quests of the human race – EAT VEGGIES. That’s a quarter of the problem already solved. WOW, be excited, isn’t that an AMAZING conclusion!!!

It’s incredible!! If a drug company patented a new drug tomorrow and took it to market claiming “Will cure 25% of all cancer over the next 4 decades” they would make BILLIONS from it and every doctor in the land would be prescribing it, and every cancer patient or pre-cancer scare/high-at-risk patient would want that drug. Well, that drug is here, and it’s called broccoli. It’s called kale. It’s called cabbage. Just eat your veggies. Read more

Processed food, your mitochondria, and ageing

I was reading a research paper over breakfast this morning, and yet again found ANOTHER good reason to eat clean and avoid processed foods and junk foods. I’ll quickly share it with you before I get stuck into my learning for the day.

A vast majority of processed foods broadly tend to be:

  • made from processed grains
  • they have had components of their original make-up removed (often natural fats) in order to extend their shelf life (leave the natural fats in, and the foods would go rancid)
  • for these reasons, they tend to be energy-dense (lots of calories, mostly carbs) and nutrient-poor (lacking vitamins and minerals)

This is a gross over-simplification, but it reasonably accurately describes foods such as bread, pasta, white rice, cakes, pastries, burger buns, snack bars, cereals and almost all packaged convenience food and almost all non-perishable snack foods.

So the food delivers energy, I.E. it gives you calories, but it fails to deliver nutrients the way Mother Nature intended. If you eat 600 grams of cabbage or broccoli you get some calories, but you get a bunch of vitamins, minerals and enzymes too. If you eat 600 grams of white bread, you get the calories, but very little of the nutrients (and those you do get, are synthetic, added in a factory, and hence far less bio-available to your body, because they are not ‘packaged’ naturally in balance with their relevant digestive enzymes, etc.).  Read more

Sticking to your Healthy Eating goals and avoiding temptation

Earlier today, a dear friend called me and asked me about motivation, and about how I ‘stick to it’.

My friend wanted to know how I manage to stay on the right track, I keep making the right choices and I don’t give in to temptation. My friend asked me if I would write about this, for all of you to read.

Well, yes I will. For today, I’ll just touch on this topic briefly, then another time I will write much more. This topic of controlling your own urges and the mental struggle of  

The truth is, we all KNOW what to do, but we don’t DO what we know.

  • We ALL know that it is healthier to eat a plateful of steamed green vegetables than it is to eat pizza or Chinese take away
  • We ALL KNOW it is healthier to have a glass of water, than a cola or a beer
  • We ALL know that it is healthier to eat salad, than burger and chips
  • We all KNOW that it is healthier to go for a walk rather than sitting on the sofa all evening staring at the TV

But we still sometimes make the wrong choices. WHY? Read more

Has anyone got a copy of this month’s ‘How to Breathe’ magazine…?

I stopped in at Sainsbury’s the other day to buy a bunch of flowers, and I spotted this magazine on the shelf - ‘Womens Walking’

What? Does someone think women need a bi-monthly magazine to tell them how to walk now? Is this a joke? Is it April 1st?

Look, I don’t want to put down anyone who engages in physical exercise - walking is the #1 best exercise going and we should all walk every day and I regularly encourage you to get up, get out and go walk. So I am not down on walking, and not criticising anyone who pro-actively makes an effort to get out and walk more often. BUT, I think this is a classic example of the complete rip-off of the ‘diet and health industry’ that they try to cash-in on healthier lifestyles, by trying to convince people there is some kind of science around going for a walk. There isn’t, don’t fall for it. I did NOT look in the magazine, it would have likely wound me up too much…but what comes next, I can imagine, you probably need special shoes that cost £130 quid, and you need nutrition tips, a hydration pack, blister-resistant socks, a training plan?

IMG_1912The articles  - kit guide, events, routes, weight loss. Folks, please don’t be fooled by the over-complication and over-scientific-complexity of going out for a walk…just walk! Any time, any place, any weather, just go for a walk. Do you think you need a ‘kit guide’ for that? Let me help:

Hydration - take a bottle of water.

Really long walk - take 3 bottles of water.

Fuel on long walks - take some food, carrots, apples, hard boiled eggs.

Lots of water and food to carry - get a rucksack - tends to have an opening at the top, you put stuff in then close it up and carry it.

Looks like it might rain - take a jacket.

Routes - find a hill, woods, a forest, a coastal path, looks for signs that say ‘Footpath’ - and go explore. Buy a local map.

Really, I just don’t think it needs to get any more complicated than that. You don’t need to spend a load of money. Read more

You think my food is boring? Try taking a look at your LIFE!

Someone recently said to me “Oh man I know it’s healthy and all that, but a lot of your food looks really boring, you eat the same thing all the time, eggs and greens, nuts and fruit, meat and veggies, it’s so boring. Don’t you want Chinese take away and pizza and chips and curry and loads of different things every week? Come on mate, you only live once, have some fun! Don’t you get bored?”

Erm, no, I don’t, thanks. Fortunately, I actually have enough going on in my life that I don’t need to look to my evening meal to find something thrilling and exciting in my day. Read more

3 quick Top Tips for a Healthy Weekend

Happy Weekend!!

Here are my top tips for a HEALTHY weekend:

Tip 1: Eat REAL food

  • That means things that grow in the mud or from a tree (think apples, broccoli, carrots, parsnips, pears)…   - and things that run, swim or fly, things that make noises and move (think chicken, lamb, salmon) Read more

Spring Special Offer - Get Excited Now!

Seasonal discounts available NOW on range of MND health and fitness products.

The sun is shining!!! Wooohooo!! The ceaseless rain in the UK seems to be coming to an end, and as spring is coming, here at MND we want to help put a spring in your step!

So grab yourself a bargain right now!

First on the list, we can offer you our revolutionary new health product called ‘Air’! This little beauty offers you a simply life-saving range of health benefits, just look what this fantastic ‘Air’ can do for you:

  • Without this, you’re dead in just 5 minutes! Boo yah, beat that SlimFast!
  • Research shows that every living person on Earth, now and EVEN back in the ‘Golden Era’ of the Paleolithic period, they ALL breathed Air! Boom! Take that ViSalus!
  • Suitable for vegans, vegetarians, pescetarians, breatharians, gnashing meat-eaters, cannibals and pretty much everyone else alive! Kapow! Who’s ya daddy now Multi-Vit tablet? Read more

Getting the macronutrient balance right - the simple way, with MotherNaturesDiet

I was recently asked for my advice on macronutrients in a healthy diet:

  • How much protein should I eat?
  • You seem to advocate a very low-carb diet. Should I eat more carbs, where do you get your energy from?
  • Do you eat lots of good fats?
  • What about saturated fats? Omega-3’s? Oils?
  • 3 meals per day, or 4, or 5, or 6?

I believe that eating has gotten far too complicated, we are all wrapped up in measuring calories, macronutrients and micronutrients, when I believe that if we are eating the right foods, then such ‘scientific detail’ is not really worth worrying about too much, not for most people. Read more

What’s gone wrong with our food?

What’s gone wrong with our food? Why are we so obsessed with nutrients?

For tens of thousands of years we humans were quite happy and quite healthy (and of mostly fairly normal body weight) just eating real whole foods, namely plants and animals.

Then ‘they’ came along and started poking around with microscopes and test tubes and Bunsen burners, and suddenly everything was broken down into science, and eventually they vilified animal fats. So everyone cut out animal fats, and fat was labelled bad, but the finger pointed specifically at saturated fat from animal sources. So people ate less red meat, and they cut out butter and in response the food companies made margarine, and started adding lots of extra sugar (because with no fat, the food tasted bland) and these odd ‘engineered chemical fats and oils’ to various foods. Then after a decade or two eating those, as people got fatter and diabetes and heart disease rates soared, then they changed stance, and now trans fats and cheap vegetable oils are vilified as the baddies, so we should all go back to butter and ditch the margarine.

And the people asked “But we stopped eating animal saturated fats, years ago, because they were bad…right?”

The people wanted to know “what is it that is supposed to be so wrong with animal foods? How come all that research linked high rates of disease to the consumption of animal foods?” Read more

Do supplements work?

As you know, here at MND I take a pretty hard line on supplements - personally, I believe that unless you are an extreme athlete, or suffering from ill health and need to repair, or living in/through particularly hard times or a tough environment, then I don’t think supplements are needed for MOST people. I believe that if you are healthy, and eating a balanced healthy diet, following the 12 Core Principles of MotherNaturesDiet then really supplements should not be necessary.

Supplements companies quote a lot of very ‘borderline’ research in their marketing materials, and they often use very ‘suggestive language’ and desirable images to convince you to buy the products.

This graphic is VERY interesting!! supplements snake oil

This chart shows a large number of popular supplements that are available, plotted in rank of how much real scientific evidence there is to support their effectiveness. (This graphic is not from me here at MND, full credit to the source, with thanks.)

Supplements ‘have a place’ in helping people heal from ill health, or in helping athletes perform at the highest level (in terms of replacing minerals lost in extreme training, mostly), but for most people, I think supplements are a waste of money.

I think a good clean diet high in top-quality organic whole foods, gives you all you need.

A few supplements are worth having. For example, many of us do NOT live near the sea and do not get enough fresh fish in our diet (me included!) so a daily cod liver oil supplement makes good sense. And while I think I personally eat a great diet rich in anti-oxidants (I estimate I eat 10 to 12 portions of fruit and veg per day, mostly veg), for most people there is a strong case for including more anti-oxidants in your diet.

Still, in my opinion, most supplements are ‘expensive urine’ - the body does not metabolise the nutrients the same in supplement form as it does in whole foods, and for many/most people, half the supplements ends up down the toilet within a few hours.

Previous posts about supplements that you may like to see:

Beware of health and wellness industry rip offs

Meal Replacement Drinks – the Bad, The Worse and The Plain Ugly


It’s the sugar!

Regular readers of this blog will know that I have written about sugar MANY times before.

Sugar is Public Enemy #1 – stop blaming meat and fat!

Health warnings on foods containing sugar and artificial additives

Sugar and the Insulin Response – in plain, simple English

Of course, if you follow a healthy lifestyle, then you likely already know that refined white sugar is the ‘villain of the hour’ in the health and wellness industry, and quite rightly so! For the last few years, the evidence against sugar as the real ‘bad boy’ of the modern Western diet has been mounting.

Following that trend, you will be interested to see the results of a new research study that was posted just last week. The authors of the study wanted to see if the ‘anti-sugar rumours’ were based in truth, so they set out to study links between sugar consumption and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the United States, collecting and collating data from several surveys published between 1988 and 2010. Read more