Pandemic 2020: a summary of this week’s mini-series
Part 5 (5 of 5)
Coronavirus: Your health and your future after lockdown.
Over the course of this week I have shared a series of news updates with you, trying to summarise the present pandemic crisis in terms of your health, where we are now, and what you might like to focus on going forwards in order to protect yourself as much as possible.
I hope you have read the whole series and found them useful. If you have any questions, please do feel free to ask.
Your health and your future after lockdown.
- Part 1: What we have learned so far. Facts that matter, in brief.
- Part 2: The pertinent bit that everyone really ought to understand.
- Part 3: You, vulnerability, and your best defence.
- Part 4: Strategy for the future, step by step.
- Part 5: Summary of the whole week, brief and visual.
Part 5 of 5 - Friday:
Summary of the week, and your best steps forward for a safer, healthier future
On Monday I shared a summary of where we are so far, I provided you with lots of links for those who wanted to watch/read/learn more, and I listed some of the most clearly identified risk factors associated with the most severe outcomes for patients with Covid-19.
On Tuesday, I bullet-pointed the most pertinent point, that I believe everyone needs to understand. That is, when lockdown is over and we all go back out to get on with our work and our lives, the virus will still be there, and it will reach us. Lockdown won’t make it go away. It’s incredibly unlikely that a cure is coming any time soon. A vaccine might be two years away, or it might take the next 30 years or more. A world that includes coronavirus, but no cure and no vaccine, is the new normal, you had better get used to it.
On Wednesday, in Part 3, I drilled home the key point of this whole mini-series, that unless you stay home for the next decade, at some point in time it’s highly likely this virus will enter your body. When it does, the degree to which you suffer any symptoms, depends largely on how healthy you are. Therefore, whatever age, gender, ethnicity, colour, size or shape you are, the best thing you can do right now is start working on being healthier.
And on Thursday, in Part 4, I shared with you a massive list of (around 61) resources, mostly free, you can use to help you live a healthier life, and to reduce your risk in the new world order.
You can significantly improve your chances of only suffering minor symptoms with Covid-19 by being healthier.
People who are obese, diabetic, have poor metabolic function, poor cardiovascular fitness, and poor immune function, all face greater risk of suffering severe outcomes.
Closing thoughts - no, not sugar coated
- It will reach you, the evidence looks as if this virus is on it’s way to becoming endemic everywhere.
- Everyone must take this virus seriously. It’s not going away any time soon.
- There have been some interesting comparisons between the fight against this virus, and wartime. Today is VE Day 75, and while we remember those who gave their lives to win the freedom we enjoy today, we should be careful of our language comparing this fight, to being at war. This quote resonates “Leaders would do better to promote civil responsibility and global solidarity instead of the idea of warfare. Finding a solution to the pandemic is a shared responsibility, and the solution must be global.” Healthcare workers are front and centre working hard to save lives and protect people from this virus, and they need our respect and our support.
- Don’t expect a cure any time soon. No major disease has ever been eradicated by cure; it’s always been by prevention.
- Our best bet at prevention is a vaccine, and that could take 2 years, or 20 years, or longer, we don’t know.
- While we are waiting for a vaccine, you don’t want to end up in hospital. Really, you don’t.
- Experts all over the world agree that until we have a vaccine, social distancing may become the new normal, and may last for some time.
- You might like to read up on the facts around airborne transmission and transmission on objects and surfaces.
- For a refresh on what the virus is, and how it harms us, and further resources, check back to Monday’s post and watch the webinar I made for you.
- Please note: since making that webinar, further studies have concluded that hydroxychloroquine is not beneficial for Covid-19 patients. However, if you are worried that you have Covid-19 and you take cholesterol-lowering medications, you might want to read this and discuss it with your doctor. Also, you may bring ACE-inhibitors into that conversation. And avoid ibuprofen.
- Lockdown isn’t a cure. You need to start getting healthier, to protect yourself over the coming years.
- Some risk factors are beyond your control - such as gender, age and ethnicity.
- Other factors you can get to work on - lose weight, get fitter, and improve your immune function.
- Experts agree that losing weight and getting fitter will help you to protect yourself.
- We all need to work on this together.
- While you are at home on lockdown, right NOW, is a great time to start working on yourself to be healthier. I’ve shared lots of resources to help you - seriously, lots!
- I’ve given you a ton of free resources to help you on your journey to optimum good health.
- I strongly suggest you tick all the boxes by adopting the Mother Nature’s Diet lifestyle - get the book here.
- If you prefer video to reading, then let me talk you through the whole thing here, plus workouts, meal plans and more!
- Watch my friend’s videos to help you with improving your immune system health. They’re free, informative, and brilliant.
- If you need a motivator to help you exercise, hire me as your PT and let me support you to better fitness with online training sessions.
- Or jump in to my monthly members-only club and learn every aspect of healthy living, disease prevention and more.
- Oh, and stay away from the conspiracy theory nonsense, seriously, it’s a jungle out there folks.
This week, I have tried my best to give you a fair, unbiased, scientifically backed-up, referenced, up-to-date picture of the pandemic so far.
I’ve tried to give you clear, plain-English facts, not overly-dramatic, but I’ve not shied away from ugly truths.
I’ve tried to give you a ton of resources, many free, some paid for. If you chose to read all that has been offered, you’ll have hundreds of pages of reading to work through, and multiple hours of free, quality video from intelligent, trusted sources. I can assure you, every link I have provided this week has been read and vetted - it’s all solid and not a word of scammy fake news to be found. That’s my job, that’s what I do, I sift the crap from the truth and only give you the good stuff. That’s what my customers pay me for.
I hope this mini-series has been useful, and valuable to you.
If you have any questions, or if there is any way I can be of help to you, please feel free to ask.
To your future.
For now, stay home, stay safe, stay sane and stay healthy.