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Shine your ****ing light…

Far too many people live in fear of being their true, crazy, beautiful, weird, messed-up selves.

We’re so brow-beaten by social media, by advertisers, by opinionated writers and voices, that we foolishly believe we have to be something else, be someone else, to meet the approval of others, to meet the approval of ‘society’.

Fuck that.

Be you, be brilliant, be weird, be whacky, be different.
Dye your hair purple and wear what you like.
Sing in the street, write your novel, wave your flag.

Don’t waste your time living someone else’s life.
Don’t let the noise of others drown out your inner voice.

Because the last thing we need is more cardboard cut-outs, more carbon copies, more of the same.

We need authenticity, we need integrity, we need fucking fresh air.

Too many folks are so busy trying to win everyone else’s approval, they have no time to be themselves.

Be yourself.
Everyone else is already taken.

Shine your fucking light, don’t hide it under a bushel.

To your good health!


2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Wade, Jane #

    I’m shining my ****ing light as we speak baby lol xoxoxoxox

    Great passionate webinar last night… it xxx

    June 12, 2021

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