Living with coronavirus: your strategy in our new world, step by step
Part 4 (4 of 5)
Coronavirus: Your health and your future after lockdown.
This week I am sharing a series of news updates with you, trying to summarise the present pandemic crisis in terms of your health, where we are now, and what you might like to focus on going forwards in order to protect yourself as much as possible.
I hope you have been following this series so far, and I hope you are finding it useful. If you have any questions, please do feel free to ask.
Your health and your future after lockdown.
- Part 1: What we have learned so far. Facts that matter, in brief.
- Part 2: The pertinent bit that everyone really ought to understand.
- Part 3: You, vulnerability, and your best defence.
- Part 4: Strategy for the future, step by step.
- Part 5: Summary of the whole week, brief and visual.
Part 4 of 5 - Thursday:
Strategy for the future, step by step
On Monday I shared a summary of where we are so far, I provided you with lots of links for those who wanted to watch/read/learn more, and I listed some of the most clearly identified risk factors associated with the most severe outcomes for patients with Covid-19.
On Tuesday, I bullet-pointed the most pertinent point, that I believe everyone needs to understand. That is, when lockdown is over and we all go back out to get on with our work and our lives, the virus will still be there, and it will reach us. Lockdown won’t make it go away. It’s incredibly unlikely that a cure is coming any time soon. A vaccine might be two years away, or it might take the next 30 years or more.
On Wednesday, in Part 3, I drilled home the key point of this whole mini-series, that unless you stay home for the next decade, at some point in time it’s highly likely this virus will enter your body. When it does, the degree to which you suffer any symptoms, depends largely on how healthy you are. Therefore, whatever age, gender, ethnicity, colour, size or shape you are, the best thing you can do right now is start working on being healthier.
The healthiest possible version of you will ride out this storm in the best possible shape.
What can you actually do?
Prevention, that’s the name of the game.
Our goal is to get you healthier, to prevent Covid-19 from making you unwell.
Over the last 3 days, we’ve set the stage, so I am not going to repeat it all here.
We’ve seen evidence to suggest that all these factors make for the most severe outcomes in Covid-19 patients:
- Obesity
- High blood pressure (and other markers for heart disease)
- Poor metabolic function/metabolic syndrome
- Diabetes
- Heart problems (this will include poor cardiovascular fitness)
- Lung problems (this might include smoking, and being unfit and in poor physical shape)
- Asthma
- Autoimmune problems
- Poor gut function (precursor and underlying causal factor in autoimmune problems)
- Vitamin D deficiency
Our strategy going forward should be to do everything we can to reverse or mitigate these factors.
We’ve discussed that you can’t change your age, your sex or your ethnicity…but you can lose weight, improve your immune function, and improve your cardiovascular fitness, all of which will be of massive benefit to you.
So what can you do?
Let’s get straight to it.
Quit smoking
- Seriously, just quit. Covid-19 is a lung disease for goodness sake. It’s very bad news for smokers.
- Get help, it’s free, talk to your GP, even with social distancing in place you can access services to help you.
Drink less alcohol
- Drinking alcohol causes 7 types of cancer, including breast cancer, the most prevalent cancer among women in the UK and the US. Read that. Think about that.
- Alcohol is such a big deal, I wrote a whole book to help you quit, or cut right down, if that suits you better. It’s a few quid, and it might help you live longer and not develop cancer. Be smart, get it now. If not for yourself, for someone you care about.
- Drinking alcohol contributes to 200 health conditions and wipes 2% off our annual GDP. That’s about £750 million per week!
- Alcohol, the dose makes the poison!
- I have written several free posts to help you think about your relationship with alcohol.
- The NHS will help you with alcohol.
- There are other organisations out there to help you too.
Smoking, drinking, and eating junk food. Is it part of your personality?
Lose weight
- I may have mentioned it before, but I lost 101 pounds of unwanted fat, that’s 46 kilos, or 7 stone 3, from my heaviest to my leanest, and now I’ve kept the fat off for the last 14 years. Before that, I yo-yo’d for 20 years, wrestling with bad dietary habits, low self-esteem and my use of food and drink as recreational anxiety drugs. (In other words, I was, you know, pretty normal, doing shit that millions of other people do. You know? You know…personally?)
- A huge majority of people suffering the worst outcomes from Covid-19, are obese. Now would be a great time to lose some weight.
- I strongly suggest you start with my excellent book, because I wrote it, and it’s great, and it includes exercise plans and meal plans and all that good stuff.
- Weight loss, start here: Free help for those who want it
- The 12 Core Principles of Mother Nature’s Diet
- I have written over one million words for my blog over the last decade. Try this. And this. And this. Or this. If you want to read more, subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss my future posts.
- If you are serious, and you really need someone to support you, hold your hand, kick your arse, shout at you, talk sense to you, shock you, rock you, educate you, motivate you or do all of the above at once, you can hire me for weight loss coaching.
- Here is a completely FREE book for you - it’s The 7 classic mistakes most people are unwittingly making that hold them back from achieving the body, health and fitness they truly desire - just click the link and the book will open up for you, no sign up, log in or anything. It’s just free, ‘cos I’m so nice!
- You like that? You like “completely free”? OK, so here is another completely FREE book for you - it’s 127 Weight Loss Tips - again, just click the link and the book will open up for you, no login in or sign up required. Now I’m doubly nice!!
- If you prefer video, try my YouTibe channel. You can subscribe to the channel, or check out this video, or maybe this video.
Gut health and immune function
- My brilliant friend made a 5-minute video about immune-boosting nutrition, here for you, for free.
- And she made you a free recipe book too, that you can download here, to accompany the video.
- If you like the 5-minute video, and want to take a deeper dive into building up your immune health, then watch this 31-minute presentation, and this 10-minute video to help improve your posture, and this 12-minute video to help your breathing. These videos together provide you with 58 minutes of FREE education, and a recipe book, all free, to help you to have a stronger, healthier immune system.
- If you want to get more future updates from my friend Dawn, I suggest you subscribe to her YouTube channel, follow her blog, and drop her a line if you want some personalised help with Nutritional Therapy. She’s the best, she is my practitioner, the expert I go to for health advice, so if you need help to optimise your immune system, drop her a line now.
- If you want to learn more about how a healthy diet feeds your gut, and your gut health plays a massive and significant role in your overall health, especially your immune function, then read this series of blogs, it’s a mini-education, and it’s all backed up with references, and it’s all FREE -
- Part 1 – In the beginning
- Part 2 – Functions of the microbiome
- Part 3 – Microbiome and your immune system
- Part 4 – Microbiome and antibiotics
- Part 5 – Gut-brain communications
- Part 6 – Microbiome and disease
- Part 7 – New Tests and treatments
- Part 8 – Probiotics and Prebiotics
- Part 9 – Optimising your microbiome
- Part 10 – Fermented food recipes
Would you just look at all ^ ^ ^ this ^ ^ ^ !!!
I did promise you back in Part 1 on Monday that every part of this series would include a ton of links to free help.
Hours of blogs, videos, webinars, free books, all to help you to be healthier and fitter so you don’t get sick when coronavirus reaches you, in 2020 or 2021. I’m really tryign to help.
Improve your fitness
- As stated a few days ago, we know that fitness is a huge boost to our health. We know that being fit helps us to have a healthy strong heart, healthy cardiovascular system, and healthy lung function. We know that exercise has long been promoted by the NHS as a ‘miracle cure’ for many of our physical ills and mental health problems, and we know that exercise, combined with a healthy diet, aids weight loss.
- Do you need evidence that exercise helps prevent or reverse heart disease, cancer, metabolic function, diabetes, obesity and all-cause mortality? Ummm…all the conditions that present a major risk for Covid-19 patients. Whaddya know, exercise, the miracle sure again!
- Medical experts tell us to stay fit to fight coronavirus.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exercise to combat Covid-19.
- Of course, during lockdown, leaving home to exercise is one of the only recommended actions from governments. Work, essential food shopping, and exercise. Hint: exercise is as important as eating. Ummm…think about that, and hit me up if you need to hire a PT to work you at home via video link.
- Click here for some free workouts to try.
- Moderate amount of exercise a few times per week have proven benefits for your immune system.
- Sign up to my MND Introductory Course, and tackle the workouts included in the course - guaranteed to work for all levels and abilities.
- Since lockdown began, I’ve been delivering Personal Training (I’m a fully qualified PT) live by video stream 6 days per week. Every session is custom programmed for you, there is no ‘template system’ or ‘everyone follow the same plan’, it’s Personal Training, emphasis on Personal - tailored to you, your abilites and your goals. If you need the help, the motivation, the accountability, and the help challenging your body to get results, then get in touch and we’ll talk.
- Join my subscription members-club, MND LIfe! for access to our online archive of exercise videos, workouts, education and instruction.
All of the above - just get healthy!
- Well, I scarcely need to mention it, but I strongly suggest you start with my book Mother Nature’s Diet
- Subscribe to my blog and develop a daily reading habit, read one post per day, maybe start with…
- Prevention is infinitely better than cure
- Vote to save our NHS…
- More gym, less wine
- Want more blog posts, more free ebooks, just more free stuff about healthy living? It’s all here for you.
- Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter.
- Join the Mother Nature’s Diet Introductory Course and let me talk you through healthy living one step at a time - 14 hours of video, with downloads, ebooks, video workout together and 14 day meal plans. It’s all in one package for you.
- Join my private members club, MND Life! and access over 100 hours of archived video tutorials, dozens of workout plans, all my disease prevention videos and more, and our supportive friendly private Facebook Group too.
Wash your hands!
- Seriously, it’s just not a tough thing to do. Wash them often, properly, with warm water and soap, for like a whole minute, every time you are about to leave the house, and as soon as you come home. And consider wearing gloves when you are out. And clean that mobile phone sometimes!
Vitamins, supplements, protection
- If you have read and watched the links listed above, you’ll already know how to get all the good stuff in your diet.
- Additionally, if you feel you need more, then there seems to be some decent evidence (and anecdotes) supporting the use of high-strength vitamin C. And more here. And still more here.
- The discussion around ethnicity, suggests a strong case for vitamin D supplementation. Vitamin D deficiency seems to have a historial association with SARS. (I’ve been taking D3.)
- There is evidence for zinc supplementation too, but really you should consult with a qualified and BANT-registered Nutritional Therapist and nail your diet first, before jumping to supplements.
- Finally, when lockdown ends and we all start going out again, if you are worried, if perhaps you don’t enjoy great health and you consider yourself to be vulnerable, then take charge, and set up your own routine of hand washing religiously, cleaning any door knobs, gate handles or railings at the front of your property or in communal hallways and car parks. Wear gloves, get a good quality mask, sort out your supplement regime, plan your grocery shopping for the quiestest times, modify your social life and work on as much of the above ^ ^ ^ as you can,
Holy moly!!!
That’s ^ ^ ^ a lot of stuff for you!
Tomorrow, in Part 5, the final part in this series, we’ll summarise the whole thing in brief and recap on the key take-aways. (After this, today, I’ll keep it brief, pinky promise!)
Until then, stay home, stay safe, stay sane and stay healthy.