An introduction to MND!!
MND TV Episode 13 - An introduction to MND!!
I got to thinking, it’s about time I tell you who I am, what I do, and what MotherNaturesDiet is all about – so here it is!
Of course, if you are a regular reader, you may have already read My Story, so you’ll know much of this, but if you prefer to listen to video, instead of reading, then you can learn more about me and what MND is all about watching this video.
I must apologize for looking a mess! This was just after sunrise, early morning, I had just run 4 miles and done 300 push-ups, I needed a shave, needed a drink of water, needed a shower, I was sweaty, dirty, scruffy and I walked back 3.5 miles as I recorded this, so I am puffing and panting a bit up and down hills! Sorry I look such a mess. At least no one can say I put on some false image for you guys, dressing up and using camera filters and favourable lighting to look my best! Laughing! No, you get nothing like that with me…what you see here is about as bad as it gets!
See you again soon!