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Posts tagged ‘Relationships’

Alcohol - 7 years without a drink

It’s been seven years to the day since I last drank alcohol.


When I quit, my intention was to go for 12 months without a drop. I made it through those 12 months, and then felt so good for it, that I instantly decided to just keep going.

It’s become rather trendy of late to make a big noise on social media about not drinking. We have folks seeking sponsorship for it, asking for a charitable donation if they can go 30 days without drinking. Dry month.Dry 90 days. We have this whole ‘one year, no beer’ movement, I think someone has even managed to make a business out of it.

That’s all good, good for them, I hope they are helping to spread the message to those who need to hear it.

When I quit, I did it for me, and for my loved ones.

No noise, no fanfare, no self-aggrandizing on social media, I just stopped poisoning myself, quietly, and started immediately feeling better for it.

I stopped for my health.

I stopped because I finally admitted to myself that my relationship with alcohol was not a healthy one. I would drink every day, and I was afraid of the thought of evenings going by that I was not having a drink.

If something had that much control over my thoughts, I needed to take charge of that situation.

I stopped to be a better father to my children.

I stopped to be a better man.

It was the right thing to do, one of the best decisions I have ever made.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your health in 2019, I encourage you to look at how you use alcohol. What? When? Where? How much? Why?

If you need any help, you know where to find me.



‘It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up’

If you want to get on in life, if you want to beat the competition, you need more energy!

Here is an MND Video for you to watch, link coming up in this post.

I believe that MotherNaturesDiet will help you, wherever you are now, to make forward progress.

It is important to me to help you understand that MND is for everyone. I truly believe it can help everyone. It may not be perfect, it may not be “all things” to everyone, but I think it can at least help. I think that for MANY people, MND offers all the answers, the ultimate long-term sustainable healthy lifestyle.

I’m already super healthy and very fit, I run marathons and go rock climbing, but you may be in a different place to me, and that’s OK, the 12 Core Principles are not prescribed meals and exercises, they are ways of living, and you can incorporate them as much or as little as you want to in your life to make forward progress.

If you are already fit too, and just looking for ‘the next 1%’ or you are seeking ‘the edge’ in your chosen sport or competition, then MND is a way to get your body functioning optimally, to give you more energy to help you get ahead.

Maybe you are unfit, maybe you are over weight and out of shape, then MND will help get you to a better place, MND will help you lose that weight and improve your fitness. Maybe you are searching for ways to have more energy and vitality - MND can help. Maybe you want to resist the signs of ageing and turn back the clock a little - MND can help.

Whatever your goals

Whether your goal is to build big muscles, lose weight, get fitter, run a faster marathon, resist ageing, feel better, stop the wrinkles, have more energy to work at your career and provide for your family, MND can help you to make progress from where you are. I post pictures of me running around mountains and doing a lot of push-ups, but that’s just me, that’s my thing…YOUR thing might be something different, and that’s OK, the 12 Core Principles are just that, PRINCIPLES, to help you live better, live longer, live stronger.

Whatever YOUR goals, never getting sick, having more energy and feeling great will help you to achieve them, so stick to the MND way and you will make progress.

Yesterday, while I was out on the hills, I made a video about having more energy - watch it here:

There is a lot of competition for ‘the good stuff’ in life

Every day I hear people complaining that they wish they could earn more. No, scrub that, they complain that they wish they were PAID more. But here is the thing - when we go to work, we need to stop thinking about “what I get paid” and start thinking about “what I EARN”. They don’t just give it to you because they like your face, you have to EARN that pay cheque!! And a lot of people seem to have a problem with the earning bit. To earn it, you have to work, lots. And the problem with climbing the career ladder today, is that someone else is always more eager than you to climb the same ladder. If you want to beat that other person, you gotta show up, you gotta put in the hours, you gotta work. And that takes energy.

It’s the same with chasing a woman, or a man - or keeping the one you already have. It takes energy, it takes effort - if you want the best, you have to be the best! If you want to create, or maintain, a spectacular relationship, you need to show up, be present, be engaged, bring some magic to the table.

It takes energy to stay on top of your game in business, in sport, in performing, in relationships, in all areas of your life.

The fantastic Tony Robbins once said that if you could have one thing to help you succeed in all areas of your life, having twice as much energy as everyone else would be the key, THE one great secret to success in all areas. I think that’s right - you know, as Bebe Ruth famously said, ‘It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up’.

MotherNaturesDiet -

- Get more from your body, get more from your life.


MND all the way folks.
Live better
Live longer
Live stronger

Taking a holistic approach to supreme good health

Today, I feel the need to have a little rant. Well, maybe not a rant, more of an impassioned plea, or a ‘call to sanity’ perhaps.

I have a line of thought that’s been rolling around my mind for a few days…not about any one person in particular, but sparked by several separate conversations with several people over the last 2 or 3 weeks, but this stuff applies to ALL of us.

This is so important, I hope I can put it into words intelligently, with care and respect.

Health : Balance : Being an all-rounder

MotherNaturesDiet is all about ‘supreme good health and abundant natural energy’.

  • It’s not a crash weight loss plan
  • It’s not a fad diet (I hate even using the word ‘diet’ because it’s so often wrongly used to mean ‘temporary weight loss plan’ and that is NOT what the word diet really means!)
  • It’s not a ‘6-pack abs’ plan
  • It’s not a ‘build bigger muscles’ or ‘get huge’ ‘get hench’ ‘get jacked and ripped’ plan
  • It’s not just for endurance athletes to help them run a faster marathon or complete their first Ironman
  • It’s not a cookery course
  • It’s not an exercise class
  • But it can HELP with all those things


MotherNaturesDiet is a LIFESTYLE to help you achieve supreme good health and have abundant natural energy. The goals of MND are to help you live longer, feel great, have more energy TO DO MORE with your life, to SHOW UP with more vibrancy and energy in your work, your relationships, your family, your chosen sport, your whole life!

Yes, MND will help you maintain a lean healthy body, you can use MND to lose weight, to get ripped, to build muscle, to run faster or further and much more, but only because MND is all about being HEALTHY on the inside, it’s about getting your body working optimally, removing the blocks that are stopping you from making forward progress in any area of your life, so you can do more, be more and have more of whatever you want. So if you WANT to build big muscles, get a 6-pack, run a faster marathon, complete an Ironman, put more drive and energy into your career, put more passion and energy into your intimate relationship, have more energy for parenting, for your chosen sport or whatever else YOU want, then MND will help you to be healthy inside and out, to act as the BASE platform for you to build, be or do whatever it is you want. MND can’t do it all for you, but it will help you to have loads of energy, feel great, not get sick and perform at YOUR best to do whatever you want to do.

This is what ‘supreme good health and abundant natural energy’ is all about. Read more

Love, Sex and Monogamy in Paleolithic Times and Today

This might be straying a little off topic for this blog, so I offer a link for those interested. I am deeply interested in all aspects of evolution and anthropology, including those aspects that go beyond health and nutrition.

I have been reading ‘Paleofantasy’ by Marlene Zuk. In the book, she discusses what she terms “paleofantasy love” and she quotes Sarah B. Hrdy and the ‘sex contract’ hypothesis.

Meat for sexual fidelity: the sex contract hypothesis

Hrdy and others suggest that our ancient ancestors traded ‘meat for fidelity’, and this forms the core of the ’sex contract’ hypothesis. Note: to be fair to Ms Hrdy, I have NOT read her original work, and I am basing any judgements in this blog on the quotes in Marlene Zuk’s Paleofantasy. The notion goes, that as our large brains grew, caveman became smart enough to realise that his best chances of producing offspring that reach adulthood was to provide for his woman while she nurtured the babies, so he hunted the meat, while cave woman sat at home tending the babies, and she gave him sexual fidelity in return for him bringing home food for his kin.

In my uneducated opinion, this is wrong.

To read more about how I see love, sex and pair bonding in the paleolithic period, click through to my other blog site and have a read. Feel free to let me know what you think. Thanks.