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Posts tagged ‘Anthropology’

Do you want to learn it all…or just DO?

MND TV Episode 5 – what is MND and MND TV all about?!?!?

This video will help to explain what MND is all about, and what MND TV is all about…I talk and write about lots of different things, this short MND TV episode will help you to see what it’s all about and how it all connects together! Mother Nature’s beautiful world and our health and longevity is all one big holistic picture!!

I talk about and write about many different things, this video explains why I cover so many things.

This video also explains that if you DON’T want to know all the complicated science and if you don’t want to read all my long blogs and watch all my videos, then just LIVE the 12 Core Principles and don’t ask any questions!

Watch the video and see how it all makes sense!



Love, Sex and Monogamy in Paleolithic Times and Today

This might be straying a little off topic for this blog, so I offer a link for those interested. I am deeply interested in all aspects of evolution and anthropology, including those aspects that go beyond health and nutrition.

I have been reading ‘Paleofantasy’ by Marlene Zuk. In the book, she discusses what she terms “paleofantasy love” and she quotes Sarah B. Hrdy and the ‘sex contract’ hypothesis.

Meat for sexual fidelity: the sex contract hypothesis

Hrdy and others suggest that our ancient ancestors traded ‘meat for fidelity’, and this forms the core of the ’sex contract’ hypothesis. Note: to be fair to Ms Hrdy, I have NOT read her original work, and I am basing any judgements in this blog on the quotes in Marlene Zuk’s Paleofantasy. The notion goes, that as our large brains grew, caveman became smart enough to realise that his best chances of producing offspring that reach adulthood was to provide for his woman while she nurtured the babies, so he hunted the meat, while cave woman sat at home tending the babies, and she gave him sexual fidelity in return for him bringing home food for his kin.

In my uneducated opinion, this is wrong.

To read more about how I see love, sex and pair bonding in the paleolithic period, click through to my other blog site and have a read. Feel free to let me know what you think. Thanks.