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Posts tagged ‘Education’

There are three types of people, which one are you?

When it comes to weight loss, health and fitness, in my experience - and talking in very broad, general terms - there are three types of people:

  1. Know what to do, getting on and doing it.
  2. Don’t know what to do, confused, a bit lost, frustrated and fed up.
  3. Know what to do, but not bloody doing it!

Category 1

So those folks in category 1, and there could well be some of them reading this now, are the folks who have taken a bit of time to sift through the bull***t that pervades diet and health markets, they’ve figured out the basics of eating a whole-foods based diet, they understand the benefits of movement and exercise, they are consistent with their actions and they are getting results.

Category 1 - it feels good, it’s a good place to be! It took me two decades, but I got there in the end and have been enjoying it ever since!

Category 2

Now category 2 is a frustrating place to be. I was there for those two decades from late-teens to mid-30s. I wanted to lose weight, I wanted to be fit, I wanted to feel better and make my body look better but I was lost in the land of diet confusion. Sometimes it’s easy, once we have some knowledge of diet and nutrition and exercise, to think “everyone knows what to do, if they are not doing it they are just lazy” but that just isn’t true.

A lot of people genuinely don’t Read more

It’s never a matter of education…

It’s never a matter of education.
It’s always a matter of motivation.

I have been on my own health journey for the last 27 years, and I have spoken to many hundreds of people around the subject of weight loss and healthy living, pretty much every day for the last 11 years, and I have directly worked with people and tried to help people with weight loss just about every day for the last 5 or 6 years, and in all that time and contact, I have never met one single person who didn’t understand that eating vegetables is good for you.

I have never met anyone who thought smoking was good for you.
I didn’t meet one single person who thought beer and pizza was healthy, slimming food.
I have not met a single soul who thought ‘eat more veg, drink more water and get some exercise’ was bad advice.

You see, we all know what to do, we just don’t do what we know.

It doesn’t seem to matter how many times I revisit this topic, it remains an undeniable truth. These days, everyone knows what they should be doing. We know we shouldn’t smoke, we know we should drink less, we know six pints per night is not healthy. We know two bottles of wine on a Saturday evening is too much and we are going to regret it the next morning. We know that we shouldn’t order take-away food four nights per week. We know we should eat more salad, more oily fish, and watch less TV.

But still we do all of these things. I work with people every day who know the things they should be doing to lose weight, have more energy, and feel better, yet they still engage in those things they know they shouldn’t.

And so it is.
Success in our health endeavours is almost never a matter of education, and almost always a matter of motivation. Read more

Do you want to learn it all…or just DO?

MND TV Episode 5 – what is MND and MND TV all about?!?!?

This video will help to explain what MND is all about, and what MND TV is all about…I talk and write about lots of different things, this short MND TV episode will help you to see what it’s all about and how it all connects together! Mother Nature’s beautiful world and our health and longevity is all one big holistic picture!!

I talk about and write about many different things, this video explains why I cover so many things.

This video also explains that if you DON’T want to know all the complicated science and if you don’t want to read all my long blogs and watch all my videos, then just LIVE the 12 Core Principles and don’t ask any questions!

Watch the video and see how it all makes sense!



RANT - good health is SO SIMPLE!

I have spent this evening, as I spend many evenings, researching a variety of health related topics. I have been watching a number of videos and reading a few books, all written by or featuring well-qualified and well-respected doctors and scientists. They are all driving me crazy!!

I know I still have a lot to learn, about human biology, about physiology, nutrition, medicine, blood, muscles, food, nature...I will spend my life learning and I am sure I will never know it all. But really, if one more person says that healthcare “stands at the door of a new era” or “we face a paradigm shift in our understanding of human health” or “years of research into human genomics is helping us to unlock the secrets” then I will scream...oh really come ON people!

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